Chart of accounts - Ability to use a - not a in codes
Codes are set up as ***-yy which isn't logical to type. I guess it's an accounting convention but I can type 501.50 much easier (one hand on the numeric keypad and no need to move it to the'-') than 501-50.
For non-accountants, and IT people 501.50 is the logical way to type and enter these codes.

Hi Kevin, you can use symbols including '-' or '.' when setting up your chart of account codes. This applies when importing or adding a singular account within Xero. If you need any help with this I'd recommend connecting with our specialists at Xero Support who can get more information to help with your org.
Freya Pieroz commented
What happens when you export to spreadsheet?
(also, my initial training was in IT, and if I see 501.50 my initial reaction is that it refers to the 50th part of a split archive file)
(also also, my numeric keypad on my cheap keyboard has a - on it)