Aged receivable summary - Include prepayments/deposits for future invoices.
For the Aged Receivables it would be helpful to know what customers owe us as well as what we owe them. We take deposits for future invoices and they don't show on the Aged REceivable Summary.
Perhaps the Receivable Invoice Summary or Detail reports would accommodate your needs here? Omitting the aging periods this report can be filtered to only show the Status and Source(Receivable Prepayment, Receivable Invoice etc.) of transactions you'd like to see.
Jagoda Stasiak-Peruta commented
any prepayments on account should be included in debtor balance as aged receivables doesnt include balances that are on account and are incorrect.
Jagoda Stasiak-Peruta commented
Aged Receivables Summary - to include in customer balances any PREPAYMENTS on account.