Sales - Ability to 'add payment' to multiple invoices at once
This would be a really helpful time saver. When our clients make payments, sometimes one payment can be for 20 odd invoices. Rather than having to find each individual invoice to add the payment (which involves these steps: click on invoices awaiting payment > search for customer > click on last page > click on invoice > add payment > then repeat all steps 20 times); there are tick boxes next to the invoices, with the options to 'print', 'email', 'copy to'... could an option be added to the tick box, to 'add a payment'? Therefore the steps would be reduced dramatically to: search for customer > click on last page > tick 20 invoice boxes > add payment > task complete.

Hi Emily, it sounds like you could use batch deposit here. This is available from the Awaiting payments list like you noted and will allow you to to record multiple invoices as paid in a single transaction.
It can be useful if you’re banking one deposit for multiple invoices, or when a customer makes a single payment for multiple invoices. 😊
Does this solve what you're after?
Freya Pieroz commented
@Emily Aspden I put the name of the customer if it's all one customer, because that shows up when I'm reconciling the bank account, which helps when there's lots of them to pick between, especially if there's more than one for the same total amount.
Emily Aspden commented
Hi Kelly,
My bad, I misinterpreted the deposit button, that solves exactly what I'm after, thanks 😊
Though, if it's open to changes, is it possible to make the reference box in the batch deposit not compulsory? It won't let you proceed without entering a reference, surely that should be up to us to decide if it's compulsory or not?