Sales overview - Show Invoice sent date
Sales Overview Improvement Request: Add "Send Date"
To enhance our efficiency and reduce time spent looking up invoice details, it would be beneficial to add the "Send Date" to the Sales Overview page.
Reason for the Request:
Clients sometimes claim they have not received an invoice and ask when it was sent. Currently, to answer this, we must navigate into each individual invoice and check the history, which is time-consuming.
Our team members occasionally inquire about the send date of invoices as well, and without this information readily visible, they too have to go into the invoice history.
Proposed Solution:
Display the "Send Date" directly on the Sales Overview page, making it quick and easy to find the last time an invoice was sent to a client.
This simple addition would save time and improve response efficiency for both the team and clients.

Thanks for sharing the details that’d help you when chasing payments and invoicing in Xero. We don’t have direct plans for developing this atm, however as we continue to plan further developments within invoicing, our product teams would like to get your input, so they can get a deepened sense of our invoicing users for future improvements. If you'd be interested in sharing further feedback we have a survey here, and we'd love to get your insights.