Pre-Defined NET Payment Terms for Invoice Due Date
Most businesses use certain payment terms, like NET 30, NET 45, NET 60, NET 90 days. When invoicing businesses with different payment terms, there should be a faster way to calculate the due date, rather than asking Google "45 days from today" or "60 days from today" and entering that as the due date.
It would be great to create pre-defined NET payment terms as part of the Due Date dropdown in Invoices. That way it would instantly adjust the due date based on the payment term selected for that invoice.
Yes, there is a way to set a default payment term at the Contact level, but that's not very convenient when needing to adjust invoices in real time.

Freya Pieroz commented
For reference with regards to my comment below, here's the Australian government's "Supplier Pay On-Time or Pay Interest Policy":
Basically, back in 2020, our government committed to paying suppliers big and small within 5 days of receiving an acceptable invoice by e-invoicing, or within 20 days of receiving an acceptable invoice by any other method, and if they fail to do so, they automatically become liable for interest on the outstanding amount. Anyone who regularly supplies to Australian government or government entities such as Defence sets their default payment terms accordingly.
Jared Fox commented
@THOMAS ROGERS - you can define 1 default payment term (like 30 days) in the overall invoice settings, but it will use that for all invoices automatically, but you can change the due date to whatever you want.
Otherwise, the pre-selected options are 7 Days or 14 Days, or 1st of next Month, 20th of next Month, End of next Month. Kind of strange options, especially for the US subscription, as these are not really standard payment terms in the US.
We need 30, 45, 60, 90
I just joined, fleeing from QBO. Is there really no selection for 30 day terms?
Jared Fox commented
Yes exactly, we need a way to define our own net payment term options in the Due Date dropdown. At least 4 options for example.
Freya Pieroz commented
Some of my clients deal a lot with Australian government entities, which have standardised payment terms of 5 days and 20 days, depending on the method of invoicing. Neither of these is on the dropdown, and since the payment terms change depending on the method of invoice delivery, I need to choose payment terms based on how that particular invoice is being delivered on that day. I'd like to have the dropdown show the ones I regularly use instead of the ones Xero has chosen.