Reporting - Percentages with decimals when expenses shown without
Xero allows us to choose whether or not we show decimals in an Income Statement. We believe showing 2-decimal places on revenue and expenses to be unnecessary, but feel it is VERY important to show 2-decimals on the % of revenue. It is better to show .04% than .00% and .05% than 1%. We would like to see Xero separate the option of decimals between numbers verses percentages so our clients can have a clear grasp on their performance.

Jim Kokenge commented
Seems like a simple fix if you add a second option for percentages.
Jim Kokenge commented
Xero allows us to choose whether or not we show decimals in an Income Statement. We believe showing 2-decimal places on revenue and expenses (aka dolllars) to be unnecessary, but feel it is VERY important to show 2-decimals on the % of revenue. It is better to show .04% as such, than 0% and .05% than 1%. We would like to see Xero separate the option of choosing decimals between numbers verses percentages so our clients can have a clear grasp of the performance.
Baker Tilly commented
The ability to show decimal places on one section of a report would be great. For example, to calculate a separate line on a profit and loss report and show a contribution % on it. The main report would show no decimal places, but the line showing the % would show, for example 45.5%. Would need the ability to choose how many decimal places (0, 1, 2, 3 to get 46%, 45.5%, 45.52%, 45.522%, etc)