Intergrations with mechanics desk
Mechanics Desk Linked together sharing data and info to provide the customer with the best quality control measures and checklist possible, ensuring productivity and efficiency is met, COGS Cost of goods sold it tracked and Reconcile alongside bank statements displaying correct values calculating profit, expenses, income, gst, and internal expenses funds Introduced also tracking internal transactions between accounts. Integrating the clock in from both mechanics desk and zero together creating seemlessly perfect time tracking with no discrepancies tracking charged hours, & non chargeable hours
Allowing for Marine Vessel When inputting a vehicle allowing for Port Engine & Starboard Engine Details Such as Serial Number, VIN, Engine Model Number Engine Brand Engine Model Fuel Type Engine Type Vessel Registration also creating a checklist for customer and mechanics with all details above & Comprehensive Checklist for specific size outboards each size requires slightly different checklist
Comprehensive Trailer Checklists
Syncing Inventory and deleteing any duplicates, tracking expenses per supplier, inventory
Providing storage for MSDS Sheets and all other safe compliance information regarding signage, lighting, lining, house keeping. Plenty more to ad but

Hi Zachary, it looks like there is an integration with Mechanic desk available. If you've already integrated this with your organisation and looking for further capabilities to what it offers we recommend reaching out to their support directly (listed under the additional info section of the Xero app store).
As they designed and built the integration they can confirm what's possible and would need to make decisions of if this is something they'd be willing to expand their integration for.
Zachary Cocup commented
Tracking Income, expenses, loans, labour hours, internally booked hours alongside NAB Bookkeeper & Mechanics Desk linking the invoices between platforms
Allowing Marine Mechanical & Electrical Buisness the options for single engine single station to quadripple engine multi station systems.
Creating AI Comprehensive Checklist for both mechanics & customer references depending on job type.
Give a sole trader an allocated account for Wages Paid to by Buisness Name/Trading name to legal Name account and option to pay superannuation & gst allocating them into accounts -
Zachary Cocup commented
Nab Bookkeeper Integration
Zachary Cocup commented
Also needs to Add intergenerational with NAB Bookkeeper for tracking Buisness income, expenses, sales & costs of goods sold & profit margin in figure value & percentage