Bills - Add a second Reference field
Ability to add a second reference field.
Purpose: Because when importing invoices from another system, it generates a unique invoice number, and the actual supplier's invoice number is used as the second reference.

Louise Beggs commented
To have separate fields for invoice number and reference when entering bills.
Providing two distinct sources of information when reviewing supplier transactions and help reduce duplicate entries. Having these as separate fields could make it easier to search, sort, and reconcile supplier bills more efficiently. -
Ahmed Ashfaq commented
Please add this feature, it is now long outstanding and we need second reference option in the bill.
Chris Sinclair commented
Could we have another box next to reference in suppliers invoices for purchase orders, as the moment we are using reference for invoice number and adding the PO details in the description which i would prefer to keep for what the purchase was.
Bernie Conway commented
All other systems can record 2 reference numbers. Our reference number so that we can locate the item and the supplier reference number. Ridiculous that only one reference field is available.
Lyn Sheridan commented
it would be helpful to have two reference boxes when posting a bill. One for the bill invoice reference number and one for the companies reference if you use reference numbers which my company does.
Mark Shoebridge commented
We are an ERP provider that integrates with Xero and this is causing grief and confusion for our customers that use Xero when over time they will inevitably receive 2 Bills from different suppliers that have the same reference number.
Joseph Sammut commented
This is a no brainer. This is the simplest of fields required and they need to implement it without delay. Do we have an idea when this will be implemented?
Accounts Lanterns commented
Agree the comments below, this will help our organization greatly.
Nicola Jones commented
As per the comments below - we need this to be able to report on costs per vehicle.
Rebekah Scott commented
As a bookkeeper that specialises in motor trade we deal a lot with vehicle registrations as our reference in invoices and supplier bills. At the moment, this is fine for invoices but there is nowhere to put our reference in a searchable field for supplier bills. It would be helpful to have "Supplier Reference" and "Our Reference" so that we can search by the client company's reference as well as the supplier reference. This is the only downside to bills for me at the moment - my clients use Xero to look back and have to currently go through every bill round about the date they are looking for (if they even have the date) to find the bill they need.
Ingrid Crozier commented
Unless I'm missing something else, the second reference field is necessary for me as currently there is no ability to have a separate invoice date and posting date on bills. What if the invoice date is in a closed period? I then have to change the invoice date to be a date outside the period and now have incorrect information when trying to search up the invoice details in Xero (invoice date now shows a different date than is on the invoice). At least with a customizable second reference field I can add the invoice date in there.
Rebecca Dann commented
Yes it would be good to have two ref numbers for the Bills, just like we have for Invoices. The first ref number as the offical bill number listed on the supplier's bill, and then another field for our own reference. Just like with Invoices, there is the official Invoice Number, and then there is the Reference Number which can be used our reference.
Jo Fitzgerald commented
We are also in need of a second reference number on our Bills as we import our Bills from a Third Party app and it is critical to be able to verify the PO number attached to each bill.
Christopher Wargo commented
Please add me to the list of users requesting a second reference input box on the invoice to record the customer's purchase order number.
Allen Gerson commented
One can only hope, but it was many years of frustration before I posted this and now many years since, and Xero have still not made any progress in this area. I wander how many customers they have lost because Xero does not have a secondary reference number field available when recording a suppliers invoice directly
Elizabeth Carrera commented
We should not be restringed to have only one reference cell when recording bills. The importing system gives us a unique number, but the original invoice has another number which we are not able to add.
This is something very common in accounting and now that xero is leading accounting software, should resolve this issue.
Liezl Theron commented
In the bills section, would it be at all possible to add an additional input block for a second reference. We work with external order numbers and it would be great if we could enter this at the top as a second reference. We use the original reference number as the original invoice number from the supplier.
We have tried using Purchase orders, but it isn't practical in our setup. We work on a farm and go to town once or twice a week for purchases. We give a order number to the driver for the days' purchases, which are at different suppliers. if we had a field where we can enter and search on this number it would make our lives a lot easier. -
Alison Clay commented
Having just changed to Xero from my bespoke system, at my accountants suggestion, I am amazed that there is only one reference field in the purchase ledger and no ability to change it!
Melanie Annetts commented
10 Years?! Honestly this idea has been floated about for 10 years and nothing has been done about it! Yet time and money has been spent changing the invoice system (to no improvement - actually it's a lot worse!)
How many price increases in 10 years? Yet a simple basic requirement can not be implemented! A second reference for purchases is not a new thing - it's how we tie our purchases to the relevant sale and have done for years. Our very outdated Sage system managed this beautifully!
XERO's lack of response to these product ideas demonstrates that it's just a gimmick to make us feel like our imput matters - it doesn't!
Ali Walklett commented
For me ability to add actual date of invoice when having to date the invoice into our open period eg) 18/3 invoice i have to date 1/4 as March numbers are closed reported and now locked.