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  1. Is it possible to add a quick access to Quotes from the Dashboard or anywhere else? Now, I need to go to Accounts, Sales then "See All" above Quotes.

    Can you please add the "Quotes" direct link (same as "See All") somewhere in the front page? Either directly in the Dashboard or under a menu like "Accounts"

    Thanks! 😊

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    Hi Community! 

    Appreciate being able to quickly create a quote from the dashboard is something you’d like to see here.

    Being open with everyone, we don’t have plans for developing a button to create a quote from the Dashboard and we’ll leave this idea closed to set the right expectation.

    However, it’s worth noting that there are shortcuts that’ll take you through to the ‘All Quotes’ and ‘Add new Quote’ screens.

    When you see the search bar in the top right of the screen, you can click this and enter the letter Q to jump straight to quotes.

  2. As we have to load bills into Xero to reconcile, (and I use hubDoc to do this now) it would be great if we had the option to send certain bills to Workflow Max to assign them to a job and include them on a client invoice. This would top off this suite of programs for me!

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    Xero is retiring its WorkflowMax product on 26 June 2024 and has entered into an agreement with tech-led business advisory firm, BlueRock, who are acquiring the brand. As part of this, they have commenced plans to offer a new product. BlueRock’s intent is that their new WorkflowMax product, WorkflowMax by BlueRock will be available to customers in early 2024. You can read more on the blog and on the WorkflowMax website.

  3. Custom Reports on Xero are not really true custom reports as they are limited to only some data.

    On some other accounting packages you can include almost any financial or labelled data or contact.

    We recently had to recall a product - we could report on which clients had purchased the product but could not draw up a report that included who purchased the item with their contact details or email alongside.

    The info is all sitting in the Xero database but we had to individually look up over 50 email addresses to write to them about the recall.


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    Hi all, while we appreciate feedback from you all here I want to be open that we don't intend on enabling the ability create a complete custom report that could include any data field across Xero. 

    That being said, our Reporting team have put a lot of focus into Xero's new reports to provide more visibility of activity and transactions, and flexibility to our users in the way they set these up. 

    Appreciate the specific details you've noted here aren't currently available in Xero - the closest would be Smart Lists however this is limited to customers at present - if this is something you'd often look up I'd recommend adding your support to the idea here. 

    We'll keep developing on Xero's reports - so if there is specific detail/results you'd like to see in a report welcome to start ideas for these that we can gather interest on. 

  4. Expose an API for the sending of remittances to allow automation of workflows.

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    Hey James! Thanks for submitting this suggestion 😊

    Having a quick read of it, it sounds like one for our friends over on the Xero Accounting API feedback page. 

    That's the best place to share suggestions and feature requests for things like Xero API 👾

  5. Hi Everyone,
    I have a client who has shifted from using MYOB to XERO, she has today requested that in the event that she forgets to place another delivery address on the suppliers purchase order then it defaults to her address. SO the proverbial hit the fan this morning when her supplier has done what was requested on the PO and delivered it to the address noted on the PO this was meant to be in Sydney today for an opening tomorrow 1/11... so now this means a trip from Newcastle to Sydney.... Lucky it wasn't Perth.

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  6. Hi,

    I recently made the error of emailing a draft invoice to a customer by accident. Not sure how i managed to do it - maybe too many drinks whilst completing the invoicing :) haha

    But it occurred to me that there should be a way or an option to block the sending of draft invoices. Or even a prompt when you try to send it reminding you it's still a draft invoice. I mean whats the point of approving invoices if you can send out the draft's anyway??

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    Appreciate it's been quite some time since we last updated this idea, everyone.

    I wanted to share some of the change that's come through with new invoicing, specifically around the approve and send process, which may now accommodate some of the interest in the idea here.

    Approve and Send have been incorporated in new invoicing, so this saves you a bit of time.

    Rather than needing to complete 2 separate actions (1. Approve the invoice 2. Send the invoice) this has all become one flow, from a draft invoice if you select 'Send' this'll auto approve the invoice in Xero.

    A caveat to this is where you have a Credit Limit set up and it's been exceeded - Xero'll grey out the option to Send.

    At this time in, we don't have plans for adding further blocks or warnings when sending invoices. 

    We'll keep our eyes on this idea though…

  7. Can you please add the ability to resize and delete online columns we see. Xero keep changing the columns in various screens (the latest is in Bank Statement lines).i now have columns so small they take multiple lines (ONE IS THE DATE!), in order to add columns with nothing in them/data I don't want to see.

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    Hi team, really appreciative of the feedback. You'll find with our technology upgrades we're building more consistency throughout the product. 

    While not the ability to switch order, new invoicing does allow for you to hide/select specific detail of your invoice from showing, and you'll find many reports have great flexibility on what data and how this is shown. 

    That being said we don't have intentions of developing capability to fully customise the columns of list views across Xero any time in the near future. I'll close this request so it's clear for anyone else viewing.

  8. I would like to receive payments from clients through Venmo. Are you working on that?

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  9. Xero on Safari: embedded pdf on bill or invoice will repeatedly force refresh the page.
    Usually resulting in error and constantly refreshing.
    Suggested fix is using iframe when detected browser is Safari as suggested here
    Please update ASAP

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    Hi Matthew rounding back on your idea again here I'm going to close but highly encourage yourself or anyone engaging this sort of behaviour to contact our support team directly to for a deeper look in, Thanks

  10. Hello, recently, I have added invoices to Xero, printed them out but forgotten to click the button to email them. Would iy be possible to have a simple reminder feature once you have created a customer invoice when you click away from it which says "do you want to email this invoice?"

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    Hi team, while not a direct reminder to email the invoice, you’ll find the flow to create and send an invoice is much more succinct in new invoicing 🙂

    I do want to be open that we don’t have specific plans for an additional reminder as well, so we’ll close this request to set that expectation.

    Thanks for your contributions here!

  11. Hi

    I would like to be able to assign the project to bills in Receipt Bank like you can with tracking categories. It is very clunky assigning in Xero. I also have a number of team members submitting to Receipt Bank and it would like them to be able to assign each bill to a project rather then me have to chase around when approving in Xero. I have queried with Receipt Bank who say they can't add it as they don;t have access to the Xero Projects API.


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    Hi everyone, thanks for the inputs to the idea here!

    Appreciate there's a bit of confusion on the integration.

    To be open, whilst we did release an API to Xero Projects in 2018, to sync some of the data requested here would require a bit more development to our API.

    As much as we like the interest in this, there are a few other high priority items on our API team's roadmap at present, and this isn't currently planned.

    API and integration requests are best shared across in the Xero Developer community, where we have informed experts that can keep you updated.

    It looks like we have an existing idea for the ability to link bill line items via the API, I'll keep this request closed so we can get a better view of interest across in the Developer community.

  12. Ability to view supplier activity including payments & credits within a period.

    Purpose: Would help with validation and reconciling of supplier accounts, especially where payments are not specific to a bill.

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    We understand and value our community's enthusiasm for Supplier Statements.  Our product team recently engaged directly with several of our partners and customers to provide greater insights into the needs of viewing supplier activity, and how we might provide a solution.
    What we discovered was that the majority of the functionality requests for viewing supplier activity exists within Xero today. However, we haven’t done a good job in explaining where and how customers can use existing  reports to complete the tasks. .
    As a direct result we’ve created this help on Xero Central on some of the reports that you could use, and steps to create and export this view.
    With so much change we want to help our customers re-discover Xero reporting, and you can read all about latest changes through our Blog.

    Along with this there are a few product changes to make reports that support supplier…

  13. 62 votes

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    Hi everyone, we understand why people would want to be able to apply a credit note within a locked period however we wanted to provide more context on the purpose of lock dates and reasons for the way they work at present.

    Basically put lock dates prevent users making changes to the accounting records prior to the lock date. Their role is to prevent unintended changes which would alter reporting outcomes be they financial reports, VAT/GST/Sales Tax reports etc. Lock dates ensure financial data is accurate and trustworthy.

    When a credit note is allocated to an invoice the allocation date is dated the later of the two documents, the first day where both exist. Credit note allocations require creating journals on both a cash and accrual basis, which is why if both the invoice and the credit note are in a locked period, the allocation can’t be done. Those journals…

  14. Simply formalising the blog comments from others to have Import functionality added to PO's and Xero's "if there is sufficient demand".

    +1 here

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    We appreciate the passion and feedback we've received from customers about the ability to import and export purchase orders.

    We want to be open, that we do not have a direct plan to build export and import functionality in Purchase Order any time soon. 

    Our Product team in this space are currently focused on modernising our underlying technology so we can build new features, faster in the future.   

    To give a clear message for anyone coming across the idea, we'll close this idea.

  15. The ability to recognise future revenue from the invoice.

    Purpose: To find out the future revenue, because for some businesses the invoice that they’ve issued to their customer is the revenue for the future month.

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    Hi all, appreciate the interest and rationale in wanting to be able to recognise revenue of a sale at a date different to that of the invoice or payment date.

    While this maybe a function we look to explore in the long-term we want to be upfront that this is not something we'll be developing in the near term. In the meantime it may be best to look into connected apps that can solve for revenue recognition. We'll be sure to let you know if there's any change around this, here.

  16. Ability to create multiple price lists for the same inventory items, and be able to set a default for each contact.

    To enable tiered pricing for different groups of customers. Would save time and require less manual checking

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    Hi all, thank you for contributing to idea here. While our Inventory team have reviewed the idea for custom / tiered price lists in Xero, we want to be open that we do not have development planned for enabling more extensive Inventory management like this.

    There are many Inventory apps that connect with Xero and offer these types of services and more - You can explore these on Xero App store. To be transparent we will update the status to not planned - If there is any change to this we will share with you here.

  17. The ability to customize a csv output file to be able to import into a banking system.

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  18. Currently, when we use Pay With Wise, each bill is paid as a separate payment from Wise to the supplier. This is not the expected way, as suppliers prefer to have one payment per month which bundles all pending receivables from us. This mimics how payment batch files work.

    Please improve Pay with Wise so that multiple bills for the same supplier are sent as one bank payment.

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    Hi all, while we removed the Pay with Wise as a follow on from our last update we wanted to confirm that we have released UK bill payments in Xero.

    Customers in the UK can set up direct bank transfer as a payment method for GBP bills to quickly and securely pay bills. Funds are transferred from your bank account by Crezco using open banking. The availability of open banking in the UK has enabled us to offer this on-platform. 🙂- Read more on our Blog

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