Tracking - Make mandatory / required
Make it mandatory to add tracking to items where available e.g Purchase Orders, Invoice, Bill, Expense
Purpose: Prompt for users when manually entering invoices, and assurity that each line has been allocated to a tracking option

Mitchell Hickson commented
amazing functionality and equally amazing that you can't make it mandatory
Antonina Krawczyk commented
Important for our P&L
Alan Brown commented
Agreed if the tracking categories are in use it should be mandatory to use them for expense claims. It's more frustrating as it is possible to do this in approvalmax when raising POs. Them not being mandatory creates work for finance team when staff omit the relevant department details.
Chris Pratt commented
Can we have an option to make it compulsary for a tracking category to be selected for every item (bills, invoices etc.). Currently have to periodically search for unassigned items in the nominal and find and recode.
Diane Schultz commented
Staff are currently missing information they are unsure of rather than checking with administration/finance staff.
Sue Carr commented
I have 2 clients who need this option.
Maxwell Munyi commented
We need to have the option to make tracking categories mandatory, and to what type of transactions. Please update on when this will be available as it is critical to a lot of us here.
Addison Baigent commented
Please provide an update on this @Xero - would be a very useful feature to ensure reporting is accurate and complete.
Susie Goodall commented
Why is this not a feature already?!
We shouldn't have to run reports to check, go back and fix what should be a feature. -
Hannah Leyro Diaz commented
PLease can this be put in, it wastes a lot of time going back and including when it should be mandatory. Thank you!
Dan Regulla commented
I vote for this to be implemented as well. From memory this used to be an available feature (years back).
Dave Gill commented
The option of making this a mandatory field will save me hours of work auditing transactions to find entries where this has been left blank and reminding users of the omission. Please implement a toggle switch on the ADD TRACKING CATEGORY screen.
Jordan Edwards commented
Please implement this!
Payton Vedders commented
We need this in our business for bills, PO's, invoices, and EXPENSE APP. Please implement.
Daniel Stevenson commented
Please can you do this for expenses ASAP
Charlotte Gundry commented
This is essential for our business
Grant Ennor commented
We need the Reference field to be mandatory on invoices - There needs to be a way to toggle fields to mandatory within sales invoices
This field is the only way we can do monthly past search reports -
Jo Pippos commented
We need the department/class code field to be mandatory - as well as the reference field on invoices - There needs to be a way to toggle fields to mandatory within sales invoices! This feature is seriously behind the times compared to other account software.
Jason Michiels commented
We need an optional department field to be mandatory. There needs to be a way to make optional fields mandatory
JJ Driscoll-Plavins commented
I enter a lot of invoices and sometimes blank on if I entered tracking or not leaving me to go back and check multiple times. Please add this.