Projects - Ability to import to projects
Ability to import bills, invoices and project lists into Xero Projects.
Purpose: It is beneficial for organisation that heavily rely on Xero projects, as this feature will help them do their invoicing and track their expenditure.

L Ruttle commented
We would like to export construction budgets from estimating software (to CSV or similar) then import that into Xero projects as Estimated Expenses.
Vince Lee commented
This is essential
Hitesh Jethwa commented
Ability to import is most critical for us if we are to move to Xero from other platforms
Sally Townsend commented
We need to be able to import information to projects for it to be feasible. This is looking like it could be a deal breaker for using Xero for a client
Ryan Brohman commented
It is inexcusable that Projects does not offer import capability. Especillay given how well the import process is designed for other areas in Xero.
We're not a large company, but even still Projects is not usable without this ability.
It's also pretty frustrating that Xero does not even acknowledge this (or any other forum) request.
Sarah Deacon commented
Looking at previous threads I feel Xero is missing a trick here by not enabling Projects to be more accessible. We're currently trialling with one major client & found the manual time entry unwieldy. Client is rightly relying upon their Project Management facility to enter timesheets leaving finance to manually enter key milestones for number cruching in Xero. Very disappointign that Trello is the only App enabled to Projects.
Other project heavy clients waiting in the wings & realistically will look at ERP solutions as more cost effective when factoring in 2 more subscriptions to complete integration. -
Sarah Morris commented
Good point about knowing if anyone is watching this Peter. I am encouraging a business to use projects. It does everything that I need but it doesn't feed to Syft for reporting. It seems that this area of development is stalled. I'd love to know if it is continuing. It's asking a lot to have small business invest time in using this (currently clunky) add on when we don't have any sense of direction.
Peter Bonaventura commented
Further to the requested enhancements listed in this thread, we would like to have the ability to sort the Project Task List alphabetically or at least be able to export the data, sort it alphabetically and import it back into Zero. I would also highly recommend that all comments provided in this thread be responded to by Xero to ensure that our Product Improvement ideas are being duly noted.
Michelle Smith commented
We have projects from the late 1990's - over 4000 that we want to import the basics into xero to keep all the data in one one place? At the moment the old data is on a spreadsheet and new date is in xero. It is beneficial and important to try and import this data into xero. I have just learnt that at present this is not something xero is able to do. Can this be fixed so it is possible to import to projects? I see i am not the only one with this request.
Paul Cutler commented
What is the latest on importing projects & transaction history? Has there been any progress in the past 2 years or is this functionality not on any future timeline?
Michael Paige commented
We are in the process of transferring across to Xero and have over 150 active projects in sage. One of the main reasons for the switch from Sage is that they are ceasing to support project costing. We have been made aware that there is no facility to import project data into Xero -With an average of 25 transactions per project that is a massive amount of re-keying (3,750 transactions). An import facility would help enormously.
TC Citroen Wells Limited commented
that will be a very good addition and save lots of hours!
Melissa Torrens commented
would have been great to have this ready for data transfers from WFM
Lachlan Nicol commented
Our business is very hesitant to upgrade to use the Projects feature as it seems as if it is very administration intensive.
As an example, we currently estimate our projects using Excel which could provide a simple format to import any estimated expenses and tasks straight into Xero. Instead when creating a new project, we need to manually add every cost estimate and task which is not practical with their associated costs / hours and sell rate.
This function should be very similar to existing import functions such as importing inventory items etc. so possibly not a great deal of work to get off the ground.
Robin Irwin commented
The main element missing is the ability to enter timesheets from external sources.
Autumn Umanetz commented
As a contractor, I log my project time independently, and it is an annoying waste of time to re-enter my task time entry-by-entry into the web form. I would really like to be able to bulk import my time spreadsheet every month.
Gavin Smith commented
How do I import my data from WFM into Xero Projects as I am not interested in the Blue Rock WFM solution?
Alexander Fonarow commented
We also upload invoices and invoice line items using invoice import tool
"Project" needs to be an available column in this invoices upload... it's a little bonkers that we pay extra to use the project feature which then requires us to manually tag thousands of line items just to work.
Debbie Taylor commented
We upload invoices and invoice line items using your tool.
We need the ability to put the project on that spreadsheet/ csv file and have invoices link to projects -
Accounts DaCi commented
As we import a bulk of invoices to Xero every week, it's very important to have a ability to import the project number to each line. as currently we have to add the project number manually to invoice by invoice, it's just westing of time.