History & notes - Filter by the date a change was made
To be able to filter the History and notes - by the date that the changes were made on something specific and not the date of the original transactions.
This would be helpful if the Annual Financials have been finalized, and a change has been made after the fact.
For example: You want to know when the changes toward the 2022 tax year were made, towards the advertising account transactions since a specific date i.e. a date after the financials have already been finalized.
All bills that were processed after a specific date and not necessarily the date of the bill...

Sorry we've not updated this idea here sooner, everyone. To confirm this is how the date range filter int he History & notes report works today - Results in the report are based on the date the actioned occurred in Xero, not the date entered on the transaction.
For a broader view of recent user activity you may also find the assurance dashboard quite useful.
We appreciate there are other items and actions that our customers would like to see more record of history for and we welcome you to join and/or add any ideas for specific actions you'd like to see entries recorded for.
Louw van Wyk commented
Yes, the control portion of Xero needs refinement. Why is it not possible to obtain a report of salesperson (by username and or login ID) of who did what sales during the course of the day and how many quotes they have that have not made it through to an Invoice "state" yet - why is this not contained in the absolute very basics of Xero reporting. Then to support Nikolene Suter above, why is the controlling/auditing functions not including in a basic report. Who issued credit notes yesterday, who amende prices (right before year financial end?). Who sold off product at a loss, to make target just before month end etc. etc. etc. Common Xero we are all financial people here that knows the tricks of the trade - give a tool that support that...