Practice Manager: Job Costs - Ability to move to another job
It would be great to be able to move job costs to another job in a similar way that you can move time sheets. More often than not costs are captured on an incorrect job and it is a "pain" to delete this and then to re-capture on the correct job.

Lilianna Skutela commented
How can a system be so inflexible that it doesn't allow you to transfer costs between jobs??? Silly!
Carey Batchelor commented
Crazy that this hasn't been done yet. You can move timesheets but not costs.
Shelley Roche commented
It would be great if you could also re-allocate invoiced amounts to a different job i.e. wanting to consolidate invoiced amounts into one job if wrong reference used or things change
Kim M Creighton commented
very time consuming to have to delete and reallocate to another job, very important to improve flow of invoicing, WIP control and keeping a job open just for costs
Sean Bradley commented
Please implement this function.
Isabella Queipo commented
Please implement this function, it is quite a hassle to move costs from job to job. Would be great if you could bulk delete documents aswell!
Emma McAusland commented
This is taking up so much of our admin time and we think it's critical that the function is available to transfer costs (as you can with timesheets)
THP XERO commented
This really needs to be a priority of XERO's. As a new user to the platform, this is such a limitation on the system.
Carey Batchelor commented
Definately need this, so inconvenient to have to delete cost and reenter on correct job.
Elisa Harris commented
Definitely - seems silly to be able to move one but not the other
Craig Stevens commented
Agree completely with this process being added. Would be great to have the same process as moving timesheets.
Debra Hancock commented
Agree completely with this process being added. Would be great to have the same process as moving timesheets.
Shane May commented
We have the same issue when staff put the wrong costs to a job. You should be able to move the same as time sheets, quick and easy!.