Practice Manager - Search custom fields
Search functionality for custom fields, i.e. custom field: Trading Name can be searched via XPM search function.
Carey Batchelor commented
Samara Hughes commented
It'd be extremely helpful to have a field available for any type of client where a registered business name can be recorded, and if the business name is searched in the client list, the entity that the business name is recorded against shows up.
For example, if Joe Bloggs Pty Ltd owns the business name Bloggs Flowers, we could search for Bloggs Flowers in XPM and Joe Bloggs Pty Ltd would show up.
Veronica Swanepoel commented
Would like to see the ability to search for clients based on company registration number, we also create custom fields for other tax registration numbers such as VAT and PAYE and would like to be able to find the client based on these numbers. Reason for this being tax authorities in South Africa tend to send communications with only the tax number in the communication and not the tax payer name
Tinus Steenkamp commented
Would like to see the ability to search for clients based on company registration number, we also create custom fields for other tax registration numbers such as VAT and PAYE and would like to be able to find the client based on these numbers. Reason for this being tax authorities in South Africa tend to send communications with only the tax number in the communication and not the tax payer name.