Xero HQ - Document Packs automated reminders
As we have in XPM for unsigned documents, can we please have automated reminders for unsigned document packs?

Hi everyone, you can now send multiple reminders at once - you can find out more about it 👉 here. This'll reduce the time spent sending reminders for document packs.
We aren’t ruling out automated reminders in future though, so give it a go and let us know your thoughts!
Simonne Fleming commented
Essential for reducing unnecessary admin time, and things not falling through the cracks
Larisa Hailey commented
I've recently started using Documents packs to add additional reports to the BAS/IAS when I send them to clients. Disappointed that we are now taking a step backwards as Xero Tax did automatic reminders and now we have to manually come back and send those reminders for document packs.
Helen King commented
Be able to send automatic notifications to clients to remind them to sign document packs after the initial manual reminder is sent.
For example, when you've sent the initial reminder, you can set future reminders to go out automatically every 2,3,4 days or whatever you decide is best.
Paula Leggatt commented
Notification/reminder notices should be sent out when your pack is finishing soon either by time or signatures used.
This will help cash flow, to know if you are purchasing the right size package for your business. -
Debbie Ogier commented
Sarah Pemberton commented
Totally agree with Juliana's comment
Juliana Kean commented
Brillant idea - would save lots of admin as Xero Ask also does not appear to have an auto reminder function