NZ Tax - Add warning on IR4J if 7E and 8D are zero
NZ Tax -New item added Audit Check orange warnings - a check that advises the preparer that IR4J boxes 7E (Total Credits) and 8D (Total Debits) if they are zero and is this correct. This would check that the IR4J has been completed as this is occasionally missed
The audit check button should be available before the return is completed

Hey community, this is now possible! 🎉The team have added new warnings on the IR4 which display if box 7E or 8D are zero. These warnings will show when there's no entry in these boxes and invite you to review the return.
Thank you for all your inputs here - we appreciate your feedback, it helps us to continue to shape the future of NZ Tax at Xero.
Nadia McLean - Malloch McClean commented
Agreed, please add
Jess Leask commented
This would be useful
Trina Eade commented
John Schol commented
please add...
Karen Hughes commented
great ideas. The audit check is visible from the dropdown menu for completed, however would be better if it was a seperate button
Michael Hunter commented
Tracey Hansen commented
Great idea
Rachel Maynard commented
This would be a great thing