458 results found
History | Practice Manager - Audit trail for changing/updating the Partner and/or Manager
Hi Team, would be handy to keep an audit trail of when and by who changes to the Partner and Manager Responsibility fields in Xero Green, thanks
6 votes -
XPM - Ability to report on all fields
Ability to report on all fields in XPM. Example, Fee from Refund. Odd to have fields available that no way can be used in any reports or export of data.
1 vote -
Practice Manager | Jobs - Add custom fields to recurring jobs
Can job custom fields please be added to recurring jobs? We have set up fields for required information, but becomes pointless if they can't be added to recurring jobs as well. Will also save staff a bunch of time if they can add the info when setting up the recurring job, rather than looking for the information at a later time.
13 votes -
XPM - Add active status to staff list
Please indicate on the attached page which staff are currently working. This would help with seasonal practices to turn on and off staff without having to open each record.
1 vote -
Practice Manager - Change the issue date for invoices
It would be great to have the ability to change the issue date for draft invoices created in Practice Manager. The only way to do this is to delete the invoice and re-create it which can be very time consuming. The Due date can stay as the company's default, and update according to the new issue date.
1 vote -
Job Manager: Repeating Tasks
Would be very helpful to have repeating tasks within a job. For example, if doing work for a client over the financial year there are a list of tasks every month. There is no effective solution when there are different staff assigned to different task within the client job. Repeating tasks with staff assigned for the year would allow you to keep track of what has been done & what still needs to be done for each month. (Monthly checklist for July, Aug, Sept,...)
Currently the only solution is to have a set of tasks and un-tick these each month.…
3 votes -
Xero Practice Manager - Bulk unlock or lock of timesheets periods
Xero Practice Manager - Bulk unlock or lock of timesheets
We have a large volume of staff (over 50) so being able to submit timesheets which come across from FYI after we have completed our pay runs in bulk would be ideal.
In the same vein, being able to bulk update timesheet lines which may contain the same error would also be handy.
4 votes -
XPM | Jobs for Auto Activity Statement - Prefill Partner & Manager Fields included
Automatic Activity Statements - Partner/Manager Fields.
Is there a way for the creation of Automatic Activity Statement Jobs to have the Partner and Manager for the entity pre-filled on generation?
It is time consuming to go through each AAS Job and assign Partner/Manager so it appears in worklists.9 votes -
XPM - Flag clients
Is there a way to flag a client, ie Warning/Ban or make them Inactive but keep their history in Xero?
We have a system that have a number of clients with similar/identical names and we would like flag a client for particular reason, ie account terms etc or ban etc.
3 votes -
XPM - Import summary of earnings name from IRD in lower case format
Currently when XPM gets the Summary of Earnings information from IRD and imports this into the XPM tax return, this imports all the names of where they have earned income from in CAPITAL LETTERS. This isn't very friendly to the eye and we will often go in and rename each of these imported lines so they look nicer.
Or if these aren't edited, but other data is added e.g. business income, then the format won't match.
All caps is very ugly!It would be great if XPM would import automatically with first letter in capital letter and the rest in…
1 vote -
XPM - Assurance Dashboard and User Activity
Assurance dashboard and user activity in XPM.
I need to know data security of my clients on my database in XPM if details have been archived , moved or altered in ANY way I need to know who it was that was in the file.
4 votes -
Xero Practice Manager - Pre warning of product Updates
Is it possible to have a "heads up" on what changes are being planned.
For example, the procedure for client deletions has just been changed so that a client with IRD Number/Tax Return cannot be deleted, with no notification to us as users that the change was being contemplated, let alone actually happened.
This then leaves us asking for the change to be undone.
If been advised beforehand, could have suggested options which be suitable to all parties and mean that reprogramming is not required.6 votes -
Reports - Customise Annual Reports
The ability to customer the Totals line of the Annual Reports so that they have the top line and Bottom Double line along with the figures having a $ sign. It doesn't right to just have the figure without the finishing touches.
2 votes -
XPM - Job Manager - Add Work In Progress column
This will allow us to see unbilled WIP for a job all in one spot, instead of having to go to a different screen or run a separate report.
3 votes -
XPM - Additional filters on standard reports
XPM Standard reports - we need more filters added here for example ability to select partner/manager instead of running the full list. even being able to filter by job category would help on all standard reports.
1 vote -
Advisors - Decrease points to qualify for Advisor Directory
Xero advisors in the US are climbing an uphill battle since Xero is not well known, I would love it if I could get on the advisor directory with less points. I cant get Xero clients without the directory but I cant get the directory without Xero clients. Its a catch 22
1 vote -
XPM - Add column for Email to Client list
Can we please customise client page on XPM to add EMAIL.. We currently see the Client NAME, PH NUMBER, and ADDRESS. Can we please add EMAIL to the page?
It would cut out alot time opening each page if we had some flexibility to simply add the email address column on the first page.7 votes -
Practice Manager - Ability to archive deregistered clients in group profiles
We have an abundance of deregistered clients/entities in our client list. We would like the option of archiving these clients, but if they are still linked through the group, then they still show up under the group profile - but maybe in a separate section, so the group profile could list current clients and archived clients.
Ideally, we want to archive them because they aren't an existing client anymore, however, we would still like them to be visible/searchable with the client data, so we can see their historical entities and for other reasons.
Note, this would also work well with…
8 votes -
Job WIP Balances Report - Criteria Search
I would like to be able to have a selection of criteria for the standard Job WIP Balances Report that allows me to produce that report by certain fields in the report ie Name, State. Also by adding the following criteria would also save me a lot of time exporting and trying to sort by:
1. Client Group; or
2. Manager.3 votes -
XPM - Include category when copying job
When Copying a Job currently the Job Category does not get copied. This should be changed to copy the previous Job Category.
2 votes
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