Settings and activity
46 results found
5 votes
Sue Clasen supported this idea ·
20 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Sue Clasen supported this idea ·
328 votes
Sue Clasen supported this idea ·
423 votes
Sue Clasen supported this idea ·
22 votes
Sue Clasen supported this idea ·
682 votes
Hi community, we appreciate this idea has collected a fair amount of votes and commentary. This has all been feedback and taken seriously by our product teams.
Currently, there are ways to record a bad debt in Xero, depending on your tax registration status and how you want the transactions to be recorded in your reports - We have help for this on Xero Central you can draw into.
We don’t have any plans in the near term to expand functionality to develop a button to write off invoices or bills as 'bad debt'. If anything changes in this space, we’ll update you on this idea!
Sue Clasen supported this idea ·
Improvement to the way Leave / Leave Loading is calculated when employee has an All Purpose Allowance is necessary. As the Allowance needs to be shown separately on the payslip, but also included in the calculation of Leave Loading a manual adjustment is necessary to pay the employee the correct amount. At least if the manual adjustment in the draft pay is missed, the employee is overpaid and not underpaid!