AU Payroll - Set Working Days for Part Time Employees
Currently, Xero does not have the feature to assign certain working days for part time employees. This becomes very frustrating when doing payroll.
For instance, an employee works Wednesday to Friday and when a public holidays falls on a Monday, Xero will allocate either all or some of the employees ordinary hours to this date incorrectly. This means we will have to manually adjust it each time.
A simple resolution would be to set up employees to certain working days, then the public holidays would assign correctly and there would be no need to manual adjustments.

Karen Newson commented
I would like a feature added whereby staff work 38 weeks per year, term time only. Everything currently is assumed staff work over 52 weeks , this does not work for me as all of my staff work 38 weeks, not 52
Accounts Expertunity Pty Ltd commented
This is critical to any business employing part-timers. I only have a small payroll with just one part-timer, but every time there's a public holiday or annual leave I need to do the calculations manually. I have suggested in a number of forums that Xero consider integrating a 3rd-party solution as Quickbooks did with Keypay, as the current solution is so far behind others on the market that it seems it will never catch up.
Vickie Sievers commented
This would be AMAZING! For full time as well as part time staff and the ability to add hours for each day in weekly, fortnight or monthly payrun cycle.
Edward Henry FIPA FFA commented
We need a resolution to this. It is very time consuming to have to manually adjust pays every time there is a public holiday
Jeanette Korporaal commented
Yes! This is SOOO frustrating. So many people do not work the same hours every weekday!
I do not think Xero will change the current payroll system, as this is a fundamental and structural data model change that I think would require a complete rewrite. Moving to another system is the alternative.
Kate Ford commented
when will this be addressed? not only days but the number of hours worked for each day.
Nicolas Horton commented
Just to be clear, this should be for full time employees too. I have full time staff that work Tuesday to Saturday for example, so its still a critical function for any permanent staff member.
Michelle Mulligan commented
This is frustrating, with large payroll we need to remember which employees work certain days for public holidays and leave requests do not calculate properly. This is a problem when the employees enter the leave requests through XeroMe as it will be incorrect
Gavin Smith commented
When will this be implemented for the Australian Market? It's already available in other regions.
I hate this time of the year, having to manually check and adjust all our payroll with all the public holidays and leave.
Another good suggestion would be to be able to schedule when the payslips are emailed out - for example I'm on holidays over the Christmas break so I have had to do all the payroll before I finished. I was able to schedule the bank and EFT payments but there's no way to schedule when payslip or Remittance Advice is emailed out -
Knowles Tivendale commented
This has been active for almost two years now. How about an update - or is it so difficult that the frustration caused to customers is outweighed?
Having read the comments it seems Xero has the functionality in other regions, and it is causing a lack of compliance with Australian workplace laws. In these times of wage theft being a serious offence, it sounds like Xero needs a rapid response to avoid a class action.
Stephen Bowring commented
Please Xero implement this. Its pretty crazy that this doesn't exist. I have to manage leave requests in a spreadsheet. I have been using another finance system for several years and never imagined I would have to go back to managing leave requests this way.
The functionality already exists in other regions look up learning "Set up a working pattern template". I have been with Xero for maybe two months. this lack of functionality already has me considering leaving.
Kate Rozmarniewich commented
I am hoping something to solve this issue is added soon. I have seen many people leave xero for this and I have been looking at alternatives also.
Vanessa Huxley commented
We really need this for all staff, full time & part time. Given that working pattern templates are available in other versions of Xero, why is this not available in Australia? Please implement this Xero, it is really a fundamental requirement and will give us half a chance of getting leave balances accurate.
Katie Payne commented
Has this been done? If not why not? it's obvious it needs to be.
Greg Singleton commented
Nearly all my employees are using XERO Me to record their leave, but they do not think about the different hours they work. Having their standard weekly schedule in the background, would ensure that public holidays and leave hours are correctly calculated when leave application is lodged, rather than having to go in manually and review the applicable hours for the leave period.
Kim Ly commented
AU Payroll. Would be good to have an ability to set one organisation daily hour work. Our full day work is 7 hours. Also set our yearly hours so that the annual salary will be calculating correctly.
Kate Singleton commented
I'd love in general for Xero to get up to date across all countries and have the ability to set the hours people work across a week, we have flexible working and at the moment I have to "trick" the system with a stupid number of hours someone works a day across the week to get it to add up for payroll. Same with part time people, you can only say they work X number of days but not which days, so I agree there is WAY more manual work required when it comes to payroll adjustments for both leave requests, payroll and public holiday adjustments. We are looking to transition to ProjectWorks and in the employee's profile you can set what their work week looks like. Why can't Xero do this?!
Madonna Wilson commented
Xero, this is a really important feature that you need to implement. Australia has just come off a run of public holidays, where most staff also take annual leave around these days. It is frustrating to say the least when I have multiple part time employees and having to constantly re-check calculations both when they initially submit leave and when the leave is processed. Please consider this - it would make payroll so much more streamline.
Ross Gulliver commented
If possible the ability to set a default work week template for organisations &/or per employee basis
Tony Chapman commented
Surely very simple: Select Employee - weekly or fortnightly -> set start and finish hours (and I guess lunch duration) for each day of that period -> save.