Settings and activity
6 results found
47 votes
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16 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment David Elsey commented
A report template for exactly this is available in
Oh, and if you're budgeting at tracking category level, we automatically consolidate tracking option budgets into an overall - so they will always tie!
Making updates is waaay faster too.
Start a free 15 day trial, or reach out for a personalised demo.
49 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment David Elsey commented
Have a look at - you can group tracking categories into a customised hierarchy for reporting budgets and actuals. And tracking category budgets automatically consolidate into an overall budget.
Reach out for a personalised demo, or start a 15-day free trial.
154 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment David Elsey commented
Have a look at
Tracking category budgets roll up automatically into the overall budget, and you can make top-down / bottom-up / driver-based changes easily.
It also allows for custom hierarchies within tracking categories, so you can consolidate and report on multiple tracking categories at once.
Start a 15-day free trial, or reach out for a personalised demo.
194 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment David Elsey commented
Have a look at - top-down / bottom-up / driver-based budgets are easy to build, and automatically consolidate tracking categories into overall budgets. And you can report on them in exactly the format you need.
Multi-entity is also supported, so you can budget entities individually, and get a consol budget for the group.
223 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment David Elsey commented
Have a look at - consolidate as many Xero files as you need, automated eliminations, multi-currency etc etc.
You can trial it for 15 days for free.
Have a look at - you can build hierarchies out of tracking category options, and group them according to your needs (all / some / one), then run tracking category P&L reports and even Balance Sheets.
So you can build job profitability reports, or grant acquittal reports for NFP if that's what your business needs.