Navigation - Ability to open multiple Xero organisations on different tabs
To make users able to open different Xero organisations in different tabs.
Purpose: To improve the accountant's workflow, rather than jumping into different browsers.
Daniel Soo commented
Have to refer to different organisations and collate data
Elyse Yap commented
Absolutely necessary! A common feature in MYOB. Absolutely agree with all other comments. This is so frustrating! When has an accountant worked on only 1 entity at a time?
John Raj commented
Essential for inter-company transactions to have 2 or more organizations to be open at the same time.
Jack Randall commented
Absolutely necessary and common in other platforms, like MYOB
Hernan Puente commented
This is so critical for people with more than one company in Xero, and also easy to implement. I come from Wave, where this is a standard feature, and I can't believe it doesn't work the same way in Xero considering it is a much more powerful platform.
Ami Wegrzyn commented
When you are in one clients Xero and need to look at something in another client - it should be possible to open another screen with another Xero to have a look at something rather than every Xero you have open changing to the Xero you just needed to look at something in. For example I could be working on something in one client but a client from another organisation calls up for information, I open Xero up in another web screen and find the information and then whatever I was doing in the other client has gone. Also for related companies it would help to see if all balances match up to each other, we have many related parties but by the time we have opened and flicked back into another screen we can only see one which is unhelpful.
Krystal Lee commented
It would be great to be able to look at 2 different accounts/companies at the same time to compare and check timesheets in WorkflowMax. We have staff working over 2 accounts/companies and would love to be able to check they have done their designated hours between both.