Invoices - Add subtotals
Ability to add subtotals in the invoices.
Purpose: Because some clients are questioning and would like to see more details, and having subtotals can satisfy their needs & wants.

Hi all - thanks for taking the time to provide your votes and commentary on the idea to enable subtotals in invoices. We appreciate how this would make invoicing easier and enable you to provide a clear breakdown on invoices.
As you can imagine with a global product, the variety of ideas we receive is expansive and so the product team focuses on building features that will meet most people’s needs. In the interest of transparency at this stage this idea is not currently planned. However we’re still open to receiving feedback and votes. It could always be reconsidered at a later date.
In the meantime it’s worth highlighting (as a few have mentioned already) a workaround is to generate an invoice as a PDF and then edit the PDF externally. Alternatively our Xero App Store has many invoicing providers who may do this. You can browse the invoice providers here.
We’ll be sure to update you here if there’s any more news on this suggestion.
Ryan Hazell commented
Please Please Please add sub totals to invoicing. Very important in the quoting process to allow clients to see each section clearly
Jeff Yana commented
Not having the ability to add subtotals to quotes and invoices in Xero is one of the biggest regrets that I have in moving from Quickbooks to Xero. Overall I do like Xero, but not having the ability to add subtotals seems like an obvious misfire on Xero's part. For as long as I have been using Xero (nearly 10 years now) the community has been asking for this feature but Xero has looked the other way.
Esther Rodriguez commented
As you can see from our comments, there's a demand to have a subtotal feature. This is a basic simple ask. Why are taxes the only entries that can be shown as a subtotal? It doesn't make any sense.
Different regions require different features, and this is a common one that most regions and your clients would benefit from. Please escalate this appropriately so it can be reconsidered and implemented as soon as possible -
Rach Denholm commented
You're joking right? I can't do a subtotal, and then apply a discount from it? This was such a basic feature in the software we used previously that I didn't consider that it may not be an option with xero.
Masonry Admin commented
Please add subtotals. Also fix the issue with custom quote pdfs not showing the 1,000 "," comma separator.
Ken Conly commented
As a freelancer, subtotals will certainly help when calculating W2 hours separate from 1099 equipment expenses on the same invoice. Subtotals would be greatly appreciated!
Beyers Barwise commented
Please Xero! We've convinced a client that Xero is the best software. He is unhappy that expensive software lacks basic features.
Agnese Putnina commented
Are there any apps that hat can provide invoices with subtotal lines? Please share if you are using some.
Ihab Darwish commented
Adding subtotal for materials and labor is no brainer feature. This is a critical option, please.
Alex Hasker commented
Make sure when the Subtotal feature is implimented its applicabel to quotes AND invoices please
Nerrolee Kajewski commented
This would be such a handy tool. Used often
Sheba Alury commented
Adding subtotals to an Invoice should be a basic requirement, Xero please make this happen!!
David Lloyd commented
This is a feature we would like and would be very helpful! Please get working on this!
Tracey Duffy commented
Any progress on this becoming possible? It would be very handy.
David Turner commented
this is a fundamental requirement, please add
Tom Osmaston commented
PLEASE add Subtotals to Invoicing! It's ridiculous to not have this feature.
Craig Loxley commented
A lot of these basic features missing from Xero kinda makes me regret moving from MYOB.
Tracey Little commented
Oh My! I've just scrolled down after posting my comment and I just want to Like Like Like all of them. Cmon XERO... get moving with this please or it will be ZERO subscription from me !
Tracey Little commented
The workaround is not realistic. Especially if I am invoicing clients that require a sub total within the invoice on a monthly basis. Currently I am creating these invoices in Word, but it needs to be more streamlined. Please add a Sub Total option mid invoice. That would be great. The better work around is create 2x Invoices. This is what I am going to pose to my client. Hopefully they will be fine with this.
James Apps commented
I left quick books because I was told it wasn't as good as Xero and my accountant prefers Xero. But at least quickbooks had a subtotal function. I'm inclined to go back to them.