Sales Invoices - Issue progress payments on invoices for project/instalment
Ability to issue progress payments on quotes /invoices to percentage claim certain items or expenses.
Purpose: Users can see the progress of the payments from their customer just from one invoice instead of sending separate invoices.

Rowena Kirkwood commented
Xero is really behind the 8ball here and it is sad when the programe is great not to have such a basic feature working - quite sad to say :(
Scot Arundel commented
I'm about to lose it. Dang it, fix this and fix it now. I need to add a line for a credit to a partially paid invoice and I can't do it LIKE EVERY OTHER FRIGGING SOFTWARE OUT THERE IS ABLE TO DO.
PLEASE FIX YOUR FRIGGING SOFTWARE or at least have someone come in here and explain why you are not doing this. That would be nice.
Leona Kelly commented
My query is still : Can Xero be updated so that we can set up an invoice with various payment dates/installments, when we offer instalment plans
We want to create an invoice with original due date, but then add 'planned payments for multiple dates throughout the year when we agree instalment plans -
Scot Arundel commented
Two pages of requests for this basic feature and NOTHING from Xero. That tells me a lot.
Lakes Property Solutions commented
Here, here Josh Tilley. This request is for a BASIC function. It's annoying that Xero are not listening and don't care!!
Josh Tilley commented
This is what should be one of the most basic features of the platform. Making it very difficult to move clients across to Xero because of this. You should also be able to see how much of each line item of the quote has also been invoiced.
Our clients want to use Xero over third party software as they want to be able to allocate bills/payments to Projects. My understanding is that you have to manually add costs in workflow max and third party platforms creating manual double entry.
Scot Arundel commented
I think we can all come to the conclusion that their programmers have absolutely no clue how to implement this. Perhaps if they hired some skilled programmers it would be done.
That is the only conclusion I can come to with their lack of implementation of this basic feature.
Well, it is either that or management is to stupid to implement the feature.
Take your pick.
I think even Microsoft Money Home and Business did this back in the day. :D
Leona Kelly commented
Not sure if this is same as OP means, but for us it'd be really helpful (especially if Xero ever adds option for multiple planned payment dates so that we can offer instalment plans to customers) if we could set one of the automated payment reminder emails to be triggered by planned payment date instead of due date. Ie if customer misses planned payment date could Xero send them our chosen email reminder like it currently can for invoice due/overdue
Leona Kelly commented
My query is still : Can Xero be updated so that we can set up an invoice with various payment dates/installments, when we offer instalment plans
We want to create an invoice with original due date, but then add 'planned payments for multiple dates throughout the year when we agree instalment plans -
Kay Lee commented
Please add payment schedules for the sale invoice and bill.
Scot Arundel commented
I deal with insurance claims and homeowners a lot. The statements when dealing with insurance can be very confusing to the customer. It is critical that I keep one job to one statement to help the customer understands where their money went.
After the job is complete the customer makes a payment. I have to file supplements to the insurance company and am not sure what the insurance will pay so I have to put an estimated amount on the line items submitted to the insurance company.
I need to be able to give the customer a progress invoice AND I need to be able to edit the amounts on the invoices after a partial payment has been received. When the insurance company makes a payment on the supplements I need to adjust the invoice amounts.
Without editable progress invoices it gets very confusing. It also complicates accounting with my bank account.
This is critical to me.
My only option right now use a "quote" until all the money comes in and prepayments. The insurance companies can take up to a month to pay. In that meantime the customer's payments, etc, are in "quote limbo"
This is something SIMPLE that most other accounting software offer. Please do this!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stuart Smith commented
How long do we have to keep asking Xero for this???!!
Ritu Shah commented
Please add payment schedules for a sale invoice & bills too .
Nabaile Young commented
Please add payment schedules for a sale invoice with automatic email reminder option for payment to the customer as well when the installment become due.
Tracy Lofberg commented
It's ridiculous that this is not possible. Causes so much unnessecary work.
Nicole Lee commented
Please xero! this is critical for a trades business for deposits!
Stuart Smith commented
Completely agree! Xero pls spend less on advertising and more on product development.
Lakes Property Solutions commented
18th January 2023
10 years later and still nothing has happened!? why, when this is part of running a lot of businesses??*********************************************************************
Sales Invoices - Issue progress payments on invoices for project/installment
Ability to issue progress payments on quotes /invoices to percentage claim certain items or expenses.Purpose: Users can see the progress of the payments from their customer just from one invoice instead of sending separate invoices.
Xero Team (Admin, Xero) shared this idea
· Oct 1, 2012 · Report…********************************************************************
Daniel Wallace commented
Progress payment would be so useful. Quickbooks has had this feature for years. Please can this feature be developed in the next update.
Matt Bickerton commented
Being able to issue progress invoices against lines from a quote or project is essential for so many industries, I can’t believe Xero cannot do this, when QuickBooks has been able to for years. If the feature can allow the invoice to be created from within Xero Projects and a % inserted against each line to show progress to date, our clients will be able to see the work invoiced to date and the amount left to go all on the one invoice.