Cash Summary report - Need to run by user defined period
I think the cashflow forecasting tool in Xero is a great idea (better executed than in other software due to the payment 'expected date' feature). However, I really need to look at the cashflow in smaller increments than 1 month as I am actively managing it. For me 1 week increment would work. I would suggest the ability to set the report dates myself. In terms of the comparison options those would not be affected because 1 previous 'period' would just mean going back an equal amount of time as that defined by the user. For example if I define the report period as 1 - 7 March then previous period would be 22 - 28 Feb etc.
I wanted to let you all know that we've recently released the enhanced Cash summary report, which you'll have the ability to set more flexible date range within this report - see our video here for more information.
That being said, I'll mark this request as 'delivered' 🙂.