Contacts - Permanently delete if no records
Ability to delete contacts who have no related records/activity.
Purpose: Because some contact that has no record shouldn’t be visible in Xero and can just be deleted.

Dixie Low commented
Supporting the "delete" feature for archived contacts. This is very confusing for our clients who want to extract statement of account. For now what we can do for them is only adding "inactive" behind the archived name so as not to confuse them. I do not think there is a risk in deleting archived contacts as long as Xero adds in a feature to allow deletion only when there are no more transactions in the archived contact, i.e., fully merged with an existing name.
Ramneet Dhillon commented
Please ad d delete button which have no history.
Judy Roydhouse commented
It sorta defeats the purpose of merging clients!!! You're still left with the client name with nothing in it!!!! Dumb. Not thought through very well at all. So totally agree that users should be able to delete ANY client/supplier if not required. Not keep for audit purposes as is Xero's most commonly used phrase.
Office Manager commented
Once a contact has been merged the unwanted name is archived with no records attached, so there should be no problem with deleting these names surely???
Please add a delete button.
Shakespeare Partners commented
An extra 1029 unused customers were imported from a previous accounting program so there is no transactional history to be lost or deleted, There should be an option at least if there is no history the contact can be deleted.
Judy Roydhouse commented
Instead, we have new Bills feature. Why? More clicks needed than previously. Why fix something that is not broken? Being able to delete customers/suppliers is more of a priority in my opinion! Why can't they Xero add a delete button option with fair warnings! Can't use Firefox with Xero anymore .... Xero's answer ... use Chrome. Wasn't really the solution I was after. We also use WorkflowMax (owned by Xero) and there are delete buttons in there for everything - PERFECT!!!!!!!!!! Question again is why can't we have "DELETE" buttons in Xero????????????????
Sheilee Ang commented
Need to permanently delete vendor contact (brand new) with no transaction history urgently. This is a basic feature that accounting software should haVe. It's critical for good housekeeping. Pls enable this Feature asap
Judy Roydhouse commented
So. I have 240 archived suppliers/customers.
XERO have stated that there is no option for deleting any supplier or customer because of auditing purposes.
NZ law requires all accounting records to be held for a 7-year period.
Please XERO, having the capability to delete archived suppliers and/or customers after this period should be a choice for the Xero user.
We are all competent & intelligent users of this software. Perhaps give us the capability to delete suppliers or customers as required rather than having a software dictate what we can, and cannot do. -
Judy Roydhouse commented
Ha. 2013 post. Typical of Xero to ignore.
I now have over 240 client/suppliers that have been archived.
In NZ, there is a legal requirement to keep all account records for a 7-year period.
After this time, if I was still using paper accounts, the 8th year would be disposed of.
For Xero to say that everything has to be kept for "audit purposes" and that they dictate what we keep and can't delete is somewhat insulting to anyone using Xero. We are intelligent people.
The option to delete a customer or supplier AFTER 7 years from last transaction entry is a sensible thing to implement.
What about it Xero? Instead of making us feel like we are incompetent to manage our own accounting. -
Nina Thomas commented
Important - stupid Dext thing creates duplicate contacts. After merge the name moves to archive. Please can I delete these forever and have in archive only the customers we truthfully stoped collaborating with - which is 12, not 176.
Halleh Garadagiyan commented
Please add delete option for customer and supplier contacts. We can't keep records of inactive contacts for ever.
Fahim Muhammad commented
Please add function to be delete archived customer details and an option to merge multiple contacts in one go.
Evan Swenson commented
So dead people will be forever on the contact list
Angie Philipson commented
Please add function to be able to delete customer contact details
Accounts SMG commented
Please add a delete option - records are duplicated in error, particularly if you have multiple users. This means data becomes cumbersome and inefficient. Old contacts are a nuisance! Please add a delete function.
Megan Evans commented
Please add a delete option, I have customers I have not used since 2013 and they are still in my contacts
Nikolay Atanasov commented
Please add delete option
Glenn Robinson commented
Xero please introduce a delete contact if there are no transaction history. It just gets messy if you incorrectly add a contact
Rhonda Messercola commented
Why is there currently no option for this. Again another basic function missing that would make contact management more efficient.
Chrisna du Preez commented
Client imported incorrect customer list to new Xero file and we have no way of fixing this!!