Purchase Orders - Additional supplier reference field
Having another field for supplier reference.
Purpose: User can check duplicate purchase orders easier by having another supplier reference field.

vaibhav ghevde commented
We need an additional field on Bills (purchase invoices) other than Reference.
Cassandra Luxmoore commented
We need a place to record the PO number of a supplier when entering invoices
especially since we don't use xero to create PO, we use Square. -
Brian Donn commented
Separate field essential for Supplier Invoice number. This is a simple basic requirement to capture the invoice number before invoice payment. MYOB has this simple feature - why not XERO ?
Brian Donn commented
It is important to have a separate SKU field in inventory and therefore Purchase Orders to distinguish between items stocked and ordered by units or cartons etc.
Similarly for invoicing the item. XERO needs this basic feature to compete with MYOB. Adding the SKU in the purchase and sales description is a poor workaround. -
Warren Bray commented
Currently ridiculous, need a field for supplier invoice additional to the current reference field.
Please immediately attend to this Xero
Sharleen Mulawin commented
Purchase orders need a field for Supplier SKU PLEASE
Harry Bunce commented
Really need this!
Kristen Saunders commented
need a place to record the PO number when entereing supplier invoices
especially since we don't use xero to create POs -
Gregory Woulfe commented
That would be fantastic! I would also love to be able to put the SUPPLIER in the PURCHASE section. To enter the Supplier, a dropdown menu conected to the contacts list would ne ideal. I know you can get seperate Apps that do this, but I'd prefer just using the Xero app for everything.
Laura Towse commented
when creating a new product / service add an additional box to allow us to put the supplier item code in there aswell as our own internal item code - this will make it easier when sending POs to the supplier they can reference their own item code on there
Kamila Urbanska commented
Add extra searchable fields to supplier invoices such as additional reference.
Being able to customise these fields.
Leanne Hardacre commented
We need another searchable reference field (even better if you can turn on or off warning for duplicate reference)