Organisation settings - Copy a 'Live Xero Organisation’ details into the Demo company.
Ability to copy/duplicate details into Demo Company.
Purpose: To easily test any changes in the Demo Company rather than implementing it directly into ‘Live Xero organisation’.

Daiga Lazdina-Racenaja commented
Hi. It would be good to maybe change any of the countries where XERO is presented. There are only a few at the moment - UK, USA, Australia, New Zealand. For example, we are expecting a new client in Ireland and I would be happy to offer them XERO, but first I have to check all the XERO options in Ireland and how it will work for them. This would help convince the client to sign up for an XERO subscription. Now I cannot do that, and it made my position weak in terms of the services that are expected.
Mabelle Fadrigo commented
Yes, please. This is very important wherein you can back-up and restore the live database as test environment for testing improved changes in process, testing new features before deploying it to live database, and minimizing the risk and issues of the new process in live database and setting up usual expectations of impact once the new changes is apply.
Mabelle Fadrigo commented
Yes, please.
YES please!!!
Andrea Osborne commented
Just bringing this back on the radar.
Yolande Loots commented
YES please!!! Confirming the comments on this idea. For me testing client requests and scenarios on different Xero features especially when I'm doing migrations and also APIs. Having the live data and chart of accounts will save time. Thank you!
Horace Chan commented
We hope that Demo company can copy to a new company . I do not required to setup every time.
Paul Viney commented
We need this in order to test API connectivity before deploying to our Production system and also to provide support to some of our customers. We can't test API connectivity easily with the base demo org as the CoA and other data are different.
David Avery commented
Yes...but I also need some of the crazy constraints removing, so that I can import data e.g. Bills, Approve them, pay them (on paper), check the figures are correct and if not - reverse payment, reverse approval and then delete them but IN BULK!
Allow for the Live Organisation bank feeds to also feed the "dummy organisation"
I also need to import & export ALL data to/from the relevant fields in Xero e.g. Bills, Invoices, Expenses, Mileage, Tracking Categories, Bank Statements, Chart of Accounts etc.
Also I want to be able to lock accounting periods, import the data and then see if there are any discrepancies.
David Avery commented
To be able to clone your current organisation into a temporary organisation within Xero, so that you can import data from an old legacy system (spreadsheets, databases etc.) and then validate the results in Xero before importing/copying that data into your current organisation.
Simple to implement, you could suspend data entry and live bank feeds to the current organisation, copy it to the temporary organisation, import the new data, validate the temporary organisation is correct, then just rename the temporary organisation to your current one and enable the live data entry and feeds.
Similar to the Demo Company in Xero but just a clone of your live organisation, which you can then rename. In addition, Xero could check for any errors/differences between the two organisations.
This is critical when you're moving from an old legacy system (spreadsheets, databases etc.) to Xero to ensure accurate account submissions.
Andrew Cash commented
Be able to "sandbox" a copy of live data where you can make test changes to see how they effect live data.
This would be particularly useful with long winded recharges or large projects
Annabel Norris commented
Ability to test in a sandbox environment is critical to any business
Steve Armstrong commented
Seems such an obvious feature that is essential for advanced adjustments and when training staff
Karla Alexander commented
Does anyone know how long ideas take to get added, or is it just not enough votes? How many votes are needed?
Karla Alexander commented
This is critical! I have used two other business software programs and both had this feature. It was great! you updated the demo company and the colour of the icons etc changed to a bright pink so you knew you where in Demo.
Anne Peters commented
This is a brilliant idea, when new software is to be used in a company it is vital that it is tested first with real data without risking the live Xero data.
We could seriously do with this work around NOW!
Nitzan Aviram commented
We need it desperately! what is the work around?
Yda David commented
Yes please, when will this feature be available in Xero?
Graeme Bulling commented
Yes we need to be able to start with a completely blank Demo company with no data, and then be able to export the data in our "live" account to the Demo so that various scenarios can be trialed.
This is such a compelling feature I am very surprised it has not already been set up.