Reporting - Automatic generation and emailing of reports
Automatically send email reports every month.
Purpose: Users can set up recurring reports to the dedicated person consistently at the same date.

Hi community, we appreciate this idea has collected a fair amount of votes and commentary. This has all been shared with, and considered by, our product team - so they have an understanding of the work that would be required for this.
We'd like to confirm that, at this stage, the automatic generation and sending of reports is not something we have plans to develop in the near term. We are still interested to get a clearer understanding of demand for this feature, and we'll continue to track this through the conversation and votes on this idea. If there's any change we will let you know!
Jose Ortiz commented
PLEASE. PLEASE. PLEASE add this as a feature. This is something that most popular accounting programs already have. We are behind the times here. The original request was submitted OVER 8 YEARS AGO!!!!!!!!!!!
C'mon guys, you can do better.
Justin Trent commented
Should be standard feature
Tim Clover commented
I'm not sure how this isn't a thing already.
Wesley Teerlink commented
One of the main reasons we need this is because our sales staff don't have accounting permissions so getting the monthly sales report would help them immensely. Instead they have to bother accounting to do the button clicking.
Aaron Brown commented
Fully agree, very useful feature.
Phil Southwell commented
We recently moved from Quickbooks and had a series of reports regularly generated and emailed to each operations department so they could see how they were tracking. It's very disappointing that this common function can't be automated in Xero.
Jose Ortiz commented
Automatic reporting is becoming a standard feature in some apps. This is needed badly.
Shaun Walker commented
emailing reports and/or the ability to save them to a specific folder on a server (with ability to save output name) would be very useful
Jessica Smith commented
Every two weeks I send out a list of outstanding credit card transactions to the respective users, so that they know which receipts they still need to pass along to me.
At the moment, I have to search by credit card number, snip the unreconciled transactions and email it to them.
It would be handy if there was a way to associate an email address with a credit card number, and have a way to automatically send out a report to those emails that lists any unreconciled transactions.
Matt Ruston commented
This would be an incredibly useful feature