VAT EU - Reverse charges in Global edition of Xero
Ability to handle reverse charges for VAT EU in Xero Global edition.
Purpose: It’ll save users time instead of having to use third party API or creating a second line with a negative amount.

Deepanshu Bhardwaj commented
In the Ireland module currently, Xero doesn't have feature of Reverse Charge Mechanism which leading us to do manual adjustment while preparing VAT returns. UK Xero supports the Reverse Charge Mechanism but not the Global Subscription. It will be really helpful for rest of the world if Xero can provide this feature in Global subscription also.
Harsh Shah commented
In the UAE module currently, Xero doesn't have feature of Reverse Charge Mechanism. can it be simply copied from UK or other module and be allowed here as well? It is urgent too in a way because impacting meeting regulations.
Sharaz Ahmed commented
I've been using Xero for many client and it's so far best accounting web app, I had to do VAT for a client based in EU (Not UK), I've been trying to find the 'reverse charge' option but unable to do so. I really appreciate if we are provided with this option for non-UK clients.
Thor Magnusson commented
We have been looking to use XERO for several companies in the EU, but we are running into this issue with VAT reporting and also with Einvoices which is becoming mandatory in the EU. If XERO does not bring the system into line with legislation we will have to use other accounting system. When will you bring XERO in line with EU regulations?
manal bi commented
The VAT reverse charge mechanism is very important and it is critical to enable this feature for all countries, this is an international standard. Otherwise Xero is not an option anymore. Why do we need a program that lacks many features?
Jay Houghton commented
This has been outstanding for 10 years, the EU is clearly not of high importance to Xero, and is not fit for purpose for the EU market.
Alexandra Mazniak commented
I have several companies all around europe using xero, and reverse charge is only available on UK xero suscription, will this ever be solved?
Junaid Khan commented
Please work on it asap as we need this feature urgently.
Rebecca Jenkins commented
Absence of this function is going to now cause me to move my practice away from Xero as it is becoming too time consuming not having proper tax functions
George Psomas commented
Super important for our organisation
Farrukh Ansari commented
I have no option except switching from Xero to another software because Reverse charge is extremely important requirement by Irish Government
Danat Kleinmann commented
Absolutely important for our French entity in Xero. Please add the feature to add reverse charge VAT tax rates in Xero"
Neoklis Epaminondou commented
Important Missing feature
Lynda Sutcliffe commented
VAT EU reverse charges in Global Edition of Xero, this is an essential part of VAT reporting in Ireland, can you please advise when this will be available for Xero. Clients are asking why this feature is not available.
Katherine Sullivan commented
I think Xero should bring Ireland in line with UK functionality, it would have been a no brainer as there very similar laws