User Role - Allow users access to specific reports
Ability to only allow some users to access specific reports.
Purpose: Because in some organisation, only some people can only see the information for some reports.
Hi everyone, thanks for the interest in this idea.
As you can appreciate, user roles span across the entire Xero product so there’s many combinations of permissions our customers want to see us build. Specifically, our reporting product team is very much aware of the challenges with the current permission sets relating to sharing individual reports with different users and are beginning to look into how we might be able to alleviate some of these reporting challenges.
However, at this stage it’s far too early to anticipate or confirm any direction on where this discovery work will lead, but it will inform our next steps. Additionally, as I'm sure you can appreciate there are sensitivities of data access and security. Creating upgrades to user permissions will need very careful consideration. As most will be across, the reporting team are leading up to retiring older versions of Xero’s reports on 31 July 2023. Once that’s done, they look forward to pointing more attention to reporting user roles and updating this thread with their progress.
Lorraine Adams commented
Would it not be possible to set up mini / duplicate modules for each function eg. purchase ledger, with an appropriate selection of billing, aged creditors, day book reports etc? Surely this approach wouldn't interfere with the existing structure and it's clear inability to adapt. (Granted, I'm not a programmer on any level).
Lorraine Adams commented
Xero said years ago in the original forum, that this would not change 'in the forseable future', that it was a massive thing to do, as below...
....I understand the platform is set is stone, and the current structure of the reporting module is so far embedded that it would require a major overhaul to allow pick 'n' mix type access....
Ellis Luijten commented
Good point Stephen, how? And when? Very frustrating as we don’t know if Xero are planning to address this or not.
Kavindra Hewapathirana commented
Why cant Xero Blue set up the permissions the same way and XPM
Elis Hoxha commented
It is imperative this gets implemented as soon as possible.
I have just completed a large conversions from QuickBooks to Xero and was embarrassed to find out notify the client that there where not able to limit particular staff to PL, BS & Payroll Data.Access needs to be split between the different categories Financial performance, Financial statements, Payroll etc.
Lorraine Adams commented
"Purpose: Because in some organisation, only some people can only see the information for some reports."
Who wrote the above exactly?....My version, and more to the point would be .......
Purpose: Most accounting (& personal) information is confidential, and shouldn't be seen by all staff, at all levels, irrespective of their job rolls. Data protection even says data should only be available on a 'need to see' basis.
It's unfathomable that this access to 'all reports or no reports' concept made it off the cutting room floor in the first place. But I understand the platform is set is stone, and the current structure of the reporting module is so far embedded that it would require a major overhaul to allow pick 'n' mix type access.
Would it not be possible to set up mini / duplicate modules for each function eg. purchase ledger, with an appropriate selection of billing, aged creditors, day book reports etc? Surely this approach wouldn't interfere with the existing structure and it's clear inability to adapt. (Granted, I'm not a programmer on any level).
Our staff could then get on with their jobs, whilst managers & business owners get on with theirs, and the company would remain compliant with data protection laws.......Isn't it obvious?..
Xero has increased subscriptions considerably twice in the last two years, but with no genuinely useful improvements to the basic accounting functionality. But a lot more add-ons via partners that do all the legwork and all too often oversell lacking products in order to fund building something that might one day in the future actually deliver, if they make it in the overcrowded market place at all.
Ah yes - the effort of improving report access wouldn't directly generate any further income would it? But...I think Xero would get more clients. I am compelled to warn clients about this short falling in the software and at least half of them choose other software, with only 'one man band' type clients proceeding as they don't have other people accessing the software anyway. They eventually move away from it when they start employing staff / admin support etc. Shooting yourself in the foot Xero..
I will jump for joy if Xero resolves this issue properly. But I'm not holding my breath....
Lorraine Adams commented
Strangely, only management, directors, accountants etc should have access to payroll figures, personal staff & client info, sensitive transactions, directors loan account's, profit figs etc, but as access to an aged creditors report means access to ALL reports - there's no privacy afforded to anyone in this business. All staff see everything or have to be frozen out of the reporting module & ask management, who have nothing else to do anyway (?!) for simple sales & purchase reports etc.
UNBELIEVABLE that that Xero was ever set up like this.
Do staff at Xero see the payroll figures & the director's remuneration, company profits etc on a day to day basis I wonder?...
Stephen Flower commented
Ellis - How?
Ellis Luijten commented
You can do it!
Daniel Tomlinson commented
Come on Xero!!
John Blundell commented
Can Xero please consider allowing users who only have rights to Invoice/Purchase orders etc to view reports that contain Invoice and Bills, seems logical that they should be allowed to view certain reports?
Sage allows this function!!! -
Stephen Flower commented
We require our staff to access sales reports and outstanding balance reports regularly but do not want them to have access to bank feeds and confidential money in and out.
I find it quite unbelievable that it’s all or nothing in terms of user rights. Very few businesses owners would want employees to have access to all bank feeds, profit and loss etc etc. but equally do not want to be running day to day sales reports and outstanding balance reports. I see this was first reported in 2015. How likely is this problem to be resolved as we have just moved from sage and we’re shocked to find this basic setting could not be implemented.
Stephen Flower commented
We require our staff to access sales reports and outstanding balance reports regularly but do not want them to have access to bank feeds and confidential money in and out.
Michele Lancaster commented
Our clients want their employees to see some reports to enable reconciliation etc but not management information like P&L, Balance Sheet etc.
Bec Bohling commented
In my clients situation, a boutique builder, we use tracking for the different builds.
We tried projects but it's not suitable and is handled by a specific building industry program.
Our Estimator team needs to be able to access the tracking reports for current and completed projects, however in order to do this we have to give them access to what we call management reports, you know, they show the entire performance and values of the business, all the sensitive information, or the ones where it's not appropriate for employees, let alone estimators to have access to.
I am struggling to understand how XERO thinks this is appropriate, for staff to have access to every report there is on the business's performance just to be able to run a simple tracking report.XERO prides itself on easy to use, "beautiful accounting software" which of late, I would go as far as saying that it's false advertising.
Interestingly this suggestion was first submitted in 2015, 7 years later and nearing the end of 2022 and its still sitting here as a suggestion.
How good would it be to see XERO putting the funds in the advertising budget towards making a more functional software package.
All we would need in the user permission sections is a tick box next to the type or which reports a user can access.
I don't know much about programming, but creating this isn't like it's creating a new program or something with the same difficulty! -
Sharon Bramley commented
Pleeeeease Xero - can you do something about this. I am starting to lose clients to MYOB because they have a better user security system. Thats the only reason they are changing. There needs to be the facility to tick a box for payables or receivables reports within the managed user category.
They need access without seeing all the management and financial reports. -
Ellis Luijten commented
Hi Bec, like Terry says they have left the building!! Not even a response to it
Lesley Christian commented
It is imperative that Users entering payments for customer and suppliers have access to the very least an ageing analysis report to be able to chase any that are falling due soon or overdue.
I don't see why giving access to this report for those on the invoice only role is a problem. They are only viewing the information that they have entered and processed in Xero anyway. There is no need for bank account access for this one.
Bec Bohling commented
First submitted in 2015, 7 years later it still not available.
Wow! -
Debbie Clark commented
helps with roles