Invoices - Increase Unit Price field to six decimal places
Ability to increase unit price field to six decimal places.
Purpose: To make users easier when they have to input unit price with lots of decimal numbers

Robert Goynes commented
It should be as easy as changing the format to F4.6
Didi Stiawan commented
Please take serious for this issues. As company that uses Rupiah as base company transactions and with multiple currency, we need this very urgent. Rupiah is not strong currency, we need more than 6 decimals
Robert Illingworth commented
This issue arises on both bills to pay and sales invoices. The workaround I use is to increase the number of items by a factor of ten (or a hundred in some cases) and then the unit price can be increased by the same factor. It works to produce an accurate total amount but it's not very satisfactory.
Charles Bradshaw-Smith commented
Now Xero has implemented the new invoicing capability, surely it's time to get its maths right for us customers in industries that use 6 decimal places. Perhaps this is why competitor accounting packages are doing so well with their growth?
Janne Butcher commented
We purchase fuel at 6 decimal places - this is causing loads of rounding and write offs!
Marianne Nair commented
This is really important as a manufacturer to get the pricing correct. Having more decimal places means more accurate figures.
John Ian Mejia commented
Bumping this. Having this not available in an accounting system is very ironic and a complete oversight... Ive seen posts regarding this issue for the past years. and the feature still haven't been updated. Having to adjust discrepancies when you're dealing with thousands in quantities for products.
please add this.
Ryo Kimura commented
I completely agree. I think most users need take so much time and stress to overcome this annoying issue
SIMON FRYER commented
I do not understand how Xero can keep ignoring this problem !!!!
Janne Butcher commented
We purchase Aviation Jet fuel by the litre, we are charged up to 6 decimal places. When that is out due to the limit enforced by xero that can add up to quite a number when we are dealing with millions of litres purchased.
Darran Strauss commented
I cant keep making manual adjustments to invoices so they line up with Recipient Created Tax Invoices.
Its so annoying!
Allow 6 decimals please please please ASAP! -
Michael Hood commented
As an "addition" to Wee Lee Chen's comment - in a similar way you sometimes get interesting results when crediting a whole invoice - the amounts don't always exactly match the invoice! so a unit price (in the invoice) of for example 0.8657 may end up in the "matching" credit note as 0.8656
I suspect that in an invoice the calculations are done "forwards"; i.e. quantity x unit price = net amount + VAT = gross amount with rounding done along the way.
Whereas in the associated credit note I think it starts from the gross amount and calculates "backwards" which with roundings can produce a slightly different unit price.
Wee Lee Chen commented
Lately, we have found that Xero's internal rounding mechanism creates problems for us when the units are not whole numbers. I have an invoice, where the pricing remains the same, but because we are billing for time, the system arbitrarily rounds up or down or sometimes not at all. (one item is correctly billed as $193.99, another is rounded up to $194.00 and yet another that confounds me is spread to four decimals $193.9933! and this is the system mucking around with my unit pricing - it is simply $193.99 in the system).
Ability to set our own number of decimals and fix the final number would help. I reached out to helpdesk and they are asking me to manually change the invoices in .pdf or .docx format. If it were for one invoice, yeah sure. But when you have a few hundred of them to deal with, no. And its been three days and still no solution or time frame for resolving this issue. Might have to bite the bullet and change software to one that causes less grief.
Telecia Lang commented
This is a must! A lot of suppliers, especially with energy bills, water bills etc they use more than just 4 decimal places.
We use suppliers with stickers and they go to 4 decimal places, when trying to push invoices across from an integrated service we have to alter every invoice.
Hoping for a positive outcome on this one! -
Charles Bradshaw-Smith commented
I have also now done a Trust Pilot review in response to their response to Michael Hood's on 10 June (see 4 July below). Let's see what they say to this...
SIMON FRYER commented
no interest from Xero on something that should be an easy fix !
Michael Hood commented
I was asked to do a Trustpilot review where I mentioned the 4dp issue - just search for Xero on trustpilot - my review's on 10 June - they then responded which only made it worse!
Joanna Johnson commented
I was just directed to this link by the support team....haha - obviously crickets on the extra decimal places..5 years this link has been active and nothing..
Allen Bronton commented
Yeah, I'm tired of waiting. I'm pretty sure it's been at least 5 years since I put in this request and I certainly wasn't the first.
Has anybody else done any research for an alternative?
Amanda Williams commented
Pointless commenting by the look of it; no responses from Xero?