Bills - Merge multiple bills from one supplier
Ability to merge multiple bills from one supplier into one bill.
Purpose: To combine bills related to a single source or event, and show a link between. Also saves time from having to recreate lines from an existing bill in another.

Hey community, thanks for your sharing and supporting this idea.
We wanted to share for those that may not already know - right now you can combine multiple bills to mark them as paid in a single batch payment? Bills display separately in Xero, but bills for the same supplier are combined in the payment file, so each supplier receives a single payment and reference. Appreciate that this may not help for all workflows of those who voted for this idea so we'll continue to monitor interest and feedback on the idea.
Emeka Ndukwe commented
We need the ability to merge 2 duplicate bills for the same supplier into 1 bill in Xero.
This will help prevent our organization to make two (2) payments for the same bill.
George MacLeod-Whiting commented
The lack of this feature becomes a major issue when connecting Xero to external software like Unleashed. We only get one invoice from the supplier but the bills get split by receipt of goods/costs. We store the invoices with the bill so that means opening every bill attaching the invoice and calculating the totals match the invoice. People have been asking for this for years at this point.
Beata Libecki commented
We are integrating Xero with Kantata system and cannot prceed with the purchase invoicing side without this function.