Billable Expenses - Files to copy through to the Sales Invoice
Ability to have a copy of billable expenses to the sales invoice.
Purpose: Save them time from having to send another email of copies of the expenses.
Katie Megna commented
Our clients would never pay a billable expense without the original receipt as in Australia you must maintain proof of GST paid. Currently I have to double save everything in Dropbox and Xero.
Marcel Frei commented
Have the same challenge. As its already possible to assign the expense to the client only feels natural the receipts flows through too.
Would be great to get this feature added -
Caroline Fraser commented
This is very important, would save extra work for me. I am very surprised this function is not already set up.
Warren Lee commented
I have always attached a receipt, marked as a billable expense and assigned to a customer during reconciliation. Reconciliation is the right time to do this, right? I only realised there was no proof of disbursement until requested by a client. It's surprising that this isn't part of the invoicing system. The extra process to save a a receipt, track it down (sometimes months later) and reattach is basic double handling.
Nicky Spicer commented
Please add this important feature asap. I can't believe I have to manually download a copy of a billable receipt and then upload it again to the invoice.
Phil Shipley commented
This is critical, spending hours reconciling and downloading individual receipts at month to invoice customers is not good enough. This is a mandatory requirement in Australia as the GST (tax) in receipts has to be verified with a tax invoice so the customer can claim the tax back on their GST returns. Every Australian Xero user passing expenses to customers would need this feature. Do your research Xero, not very beautiful accounting when it comes to billing expenses.
James Barlow commented
This is really important for me too. The current system is not good enough for my needs. What is slightly worrying is that the Xero support specialist who just emailed me wrote to say that no-one has asked for this. Clearly they've not read this thread. Come on Xero - there are many of us who need this!
Pania Roberts commented
Hello, can you please advise if this is an option now? It is very time consuming having to file all theses invoices in client folders in order to only have to reattach them to the invoice when I bill the client.
Roy Summers commented
I am currently doing a trial of XERO. If we cannot pull through receipt images or files (pdf/eps/png/jpg . . .) into an invoice there is really no point in switching to XERO from Freshbooks as we are a fairly small business. I am shocked this feature is not available. Even Quickbooks does this.
Jeremy Jachimstal commented
There is so much demand for this basic functionality.
Rick Squires commented
In addition to the above I regularly use the Xero app itself to record expenses (that I have paid for with my business credit card) and have taken a photo of the receipt each time and attached it to the expense. However as noted above, there is no way to automatically share these receipts with the client who is being asked to reimburse these expenses. I've just had to spend an hour or so manually downloading the photos of these 50+ receipts in order to forward these on to my client!
Kate West commented
it wastes so much of my time having to do this manually! Please sort it out ASAP!!!
Andrew Steere commented
Super important functionality. It's an oversight in my view, within Xero's architecture, that this isn't possible currently.
Julie Findlay commented
I would like to see this happen - as it would streamline the process, and less margin for error, and a big time saver
Todd Shardlow commented
When adding reimbursable expenses to invoices, there should be an option to automatically attach (ideally as a combined pdf) all evidence that is already attached to the Xero transactions being included in the invoice.
Contractually our clients require any reimbursable expenses on invoices to have receipts attached as evidence of the incurred expenses. We can add these reimbursable expenses to the invoice as either a single line item or separate line items, however our clients understandably want to see the receipts to match these.
E.g. meals, flights, hotel accommodation etc that we've paid for on our company credit card. We either reconcile these spend money transactions in Xero and then add a photo of the receipt, or if it's an email charge we've emailed the invoice to Hubdoc and then reconciled that way. In both examples, we've assigned the billable expense to a client so that we can add these to the next invoice. The spend money transactions all have file attachments with receipts/invoices.
Xero has the evidence attached to each transaction, but there is no way to export these or add these as another file to our invoice. We have to manually download each receipt/photo from Xero, save to our computer, then manually create a pdf and email that to the client along with our invoice. It is laborious, double handling and wastes so much time.
Mark Thornton commented
All of my clients want proof that I have incurred expenses.
The ability for the client to see the actual bill allocated to that line would be invaluable -
Ben Mildren commented
Definitely something wrong when it's easier to attached a file to this comment than it is to attach a file to an invoice with billable expenses. Surely most businesses have one customer that requires receipts to be attached to their invoice.
Peter Frappell commented
It only seems logical that when charging a billable expense to a client that they would require the evidence.........i.e. an attached copy of the tax invoice/receipt
Tim Ferris commented
It's SUCH a time waster having to do this twice. For example, a large trip that is client billable will have many receipts for expense claims - it doubles the admin required, which seems odd as most of Xero is so logical and intuitive
Tahnee Pauley commented
If an app doesn't save the small business owner time and effort they won't use it. Xero Expenses is a great app in my opinion just little tweaks like these will make it magic.