Billable Expenses - Allocate supplier credit notes to a customer
Ability to allocate credit notes to a customer.
Purpose: To save users’ time rather than having to manually go into the Billable Expenses, outstanding report, find the original invoice and edit it to remove from recharging the client.

Sharyn Wilson commented
This was a valuable feature that, in the past, if i received a credit note from a supplier and needed to assign this to a customer i could, exactly the same way as you currently assign bills as a billable expense, Xero, why did you remove this feature??
John Kerr commented
Seems like a obvious gap in the system. Why allow a credit note to be assigned to a Project and not direct to a customer?
Freya Pieroz commented
I would like to create a credit note from billable expenses in the same way that we create invoices from billable expenses. If you've got a bill from a supplier, you on-bill to your client; if you get a credit from your supplier relating to something you previously on-billed to a client, you pass the credit back to the client.
Currently, you cannot add a billable expense to a credit note at all, which means you cannot create a link between the credit you received and the credit you passed on to the client.
Kylie Going commented
This would be amazing and save me a huge amount of time and avoids mistakes of credit not being past on to customer
Donna Shiner commented
This would be a massive help. Its really import to pass on credits (for returned items) to our customers. Without this feature, we have to keep a separate log of them.
Brandon Ford commented
Currently, you can only apply a Project to a Credit Note Item. Is there any way to apply a Contact/Customer to a Credit Note item like you can for a Bill?
Kathleen Bisset commented
Not sure why this isn't a feature already. One of the features I really miss since moving over from qbo
Lindsay Golden commented
Customers can be assigned on the "outgoing" money in bills, if these get refunded there is no way to assign back to those customers on the "incoming" via credit notes. If lines could be assigned to customers in credit notes like they can be in bills, the process of outgoing/incoming would be mirrored.
Eric Holmberg commented
I have a case where I often purchase parts for customers and one vendor charges full price for the parts and then issues a credit, so I end up with approximately 30 charges and credits that I need to pass on to the customer. A bulk way to do this would make it much easier.
Linda Kennington commented
It would be appreciated to have this implemented as soon as possible please. I have already nearly overcharged someone because a credit note could not be added and I am not the only one who does the invoicing.
Linda Kennington commented
It is great that the option to apply a bill or spend money to a customer, however should you receive a credit note from a supplier for that same contact/customer, you can't add that credit note to a contact, only a project. It seems strange to me that if you can add an expense to a contact/customer, you should also be able to add a credit note.
Sherilyn Horne commented
Not sure how hard it would be to add this feature when half of it is already there (to add to a project) and it can be done already when processing a bill.
7.5 years later and this has still not been done? -
Jennifer Bamber commented
We assign a large number of invoices and it's an invaluable feature. But receiving a credit note from a supplier really messes the system up.
This would be a huge help and seems odd it cant be done
Vicki Lowther commented
This feature would be very helpful to ensure credits are correctly passed through to customers, and in an efficient manner. Being able to assign the credit to customer would be a major improvement to this function
April Brown commented
At times, you have to make a return to a vendor and buy something different, etc. Credits come through, but you can't post a credit to billable expenses. I would love to be able to do that. I would like to have "assign to customer" in both spend money or receive money. It shouldn't have to be done by manually finding the original charge, etc. And if the amounts are different, you didn't return the entire purchase, just a part. Then you have to edit the invoice, sometimes removing the payment, etc., etc., etc..
April Brown commented
The ability to allocate credits on returned materials directly to billable expenses where the customer's item was returned. You may need to repurchase the items someplace else, and it would be so much quicker to add the billable expense feature to the credit side also.
Additionally, when cash is received from an outside credit card source you cannot track the cc fees on the credit entry as a billable expense.