Projects - Ability to attach Files to a Project
Ability to attach files to Xero projects.
Purpose: To make users’ able to attach necessary documents for their project such as contracts and quotes.

Hi everyone, we appreciate wanting the ability to assign files to the project itself. While this isn't something we have planned right now we'll keep tracking the interest through the idea here.
To highlight, though not currently available on the Project directly, it's possible to attach files to the individual transactions within a project e.g a Bill, Invoice, Spend money or Expense. i
Along with this, you may also find it useful to create folders within your Files library where you can collect all files related to a specific project for ease of reference.
Understand this isn't the ideal solution, but may help some for now 🙂
Micah Liddicoat commented
Absolute no brainer for a multifunctional App. Otherwise it’s a cost and Time tracker and I still need project management software
Clayton Hall commented
This may direct us away from using Xero.
How will we track customers purchase orders for projects? -
TOM RIGBY commented
Critical for projects to assist at Invoicing stage where picture and files can be added for information and later reference.
Belinda Grocke commented
This feature would be amazing
Susie Bourke commented
Please implement this as soon as possible, this is a must have for Project users.
Jeremiah Appleby commented
I found there is a unique email address that you can use to send files directly to xero files folder.
It would be good to have a unique email address for each project, then you could forward emails with attachments directly to a project folder.
Jaime Bates commented
This is a feature that would be essential to any Projects platform. Work orders, photos, compliance certificates, sign off sheets. They all need to be added so that they can they be attached to the final invoice going out to the customer.
Job notes also would be super helpful.
Emma Rosenblatt (Accounts) commented
The solution you have provided Kelly unfortunately doesn't help at all...
First, the files attached to bills, invoices, spend money or expenses first of all aren't viewable to all users. Users with limited access to projects cannot view these nor do we want them to be able to.
Secondly, the attachments we wish to attach to projects are not related to a bill or expense. Attachments are PO's from customers relevant to the project. Photos of issues at the worksite and photos of drawings for construction.
Tradesman on the floor do not have computer access and therefore are unable to log in and upload a file to our drive or view an attachment from there either. This would also take a large amount of their time.
Josh Buesking commented
Files, Notes, Custom Fields...Complete API. It is almost 2023 afterall
Gus Leen commented
In addition, the ability to add notes to projects would be fantastic. Even if you could assign a note to a person i.e employee or administrator.
Emma Rosenblatt (Accounts) commented
This feature would help so much and it is only such small feature to add. The same ability is already in Xero there is just no option for projects... It is really such an important ability - all the documentation associated with a project in an easily accessible location.
LSB Electrical commented
100% need to be able to add a document to a Project. Very important for any company.
Jenny Mackenzie commented
This is really important - it then allows user to keep all the documentation associated with a project in an accessible location.
Gus Leen commented
The ability to please add notes for a job so that e.g our administrators or staff can see.
Ability to upload documents would be excellent.
Ability to export when a job is due to apple calendar would be amazing!
Thanks so much. -
Vanessa Masters commented
The lack of this function will result in moving away from Projects. It is way too limited anyway.
Sam Robilliard commented
Martin Upton commented
A real MUST for project management systems. Please implement as soon as possible