Organisation settings - Ability to set colour of screen and fonts of display.
I would love to be able to adjust background colors and font colors. I find working for several hours in Xero leaves me with eye fatigue and headaches.

Freya Pieroz commented
I often have difficulty reading numbers due to the font choices Xero have made. I would like my instances of Xero to use the fonts I have chosen in my computer's settings and/or the fonts chosen in my browser settings. I have tested by changing the fonts in the computer settings and refreshing, and by changing all the browser fonts and refreshing, so I am certain that Xero is not getting its font choices from the ones I have chosen as most Accessible for me.
The attached screenshots showing the problem are from the History section of a Spend Money; one is at 100% zoom and shows that 5 and 6 are extremely similar unless I am closer than 30cm to my screen, and the other is the same section but at 125% zoom and shows a similar problem with 0 9 and 6. The problem is most evident when Xero has chosen to bold the text, but I have found that when I am tired, a number of digits become less distinguishable even in unbolded text.
Chris Pratt commented
We operate multiple xero files/organisations. It is easy to accidentially post bills and invoices to the incorrect organisation and therefore need to be voided and put in to the correct one.
Please add a setting so I can change the color of the toolbar so each organisation has its own distinct color which may eliminate some of these user errors from occurring?
Freya Pieroz commented
The worst place for the font is in the inbox. Attached is a screenshot, showing how the bolded numbers are unreadable, especially with the way numbers are shorter than full length characters and capitals, and the way unbolded text is slightly more readable but still not good.
I should also note that changing the default fonts in Chrome settings had no effect, which leads me to believe that if I wanted to use a font like Dyslexie, I would not be able to.
Jonty Reason commented
I run two businesses in Xero, and I sometimes find myself in the wrong business at the wrong time. If we could change the colour of the top bar this would avoid any confusion
Susie Hill commented
Colour would be extremely beneficial in sorting companies and making the overall appearance a more relaxing interface experience.
Sharon Weiland commented
The font is far too small in the financial statements.
Anne Newberry commented
Ability to change the contrast of the text would be very helpful. Grey on white, which looks lovely from a design perspective, is not as practical to work with for hours at a time. Black on white causes less eye strain for some users, and I, like Stephen Press (comment below), find that I need to lean in and squint at the monitor. The option to choose contrast and font size would show Xero to be accessibility friendly, an important feature today.
Stephen Press commented
Hi as a video production company my 4K PC monitors are calibrated and I'm having a lot of trouble viewing Xero's website. The font you use is awful, I can hardly see it and I am having difficulty telling the difference between a 0 and a 9, not ideal in an accounts app. I am loving Xero as a product but I really need to see what I'm doing and it is very annoying having to lean in and squint at the monitor all the time.
Is there a way to change it to make it clearer?
Nichola Lavin commented
Avoid gender bias by changing the use of the colours blue and pink, to show bank/credit card accounts on dashboard as either in credit (blue=traditionally male=good), or overdrawn (pink=traditionally female=bad). Unfortunately i see the pink a lot of late and i can't unsee the bias now...
Daniel Faunch commented
Very important for partially impaired sighted people.
Daniel Faunch commented
A client, a Paralympic Games medallist, has bad eyesight and the blue on white is difficult for him. The options for a dark mode or being able to change the colour and fonts would be very useful.
Tracey G commented
This would be a godsend with multiple screens open - if i change the screen resolution larger it effects other programs I use.
Having larger font when invoicing etc trying to check for wording - would be very helpful.
Meloney van Schalkwyk commented
Research has shown me that an increase in font size, amongst other measures, makes reading easier for dyslexic individuals.
Louise Amundsen commented
Please add ability to make type face in the Xero account transactions screen black or more bold. An elderly user has asked me to post this request. The light type face is difficult to see. They are managing all other aspects of Xero so would be great if this option could be added.