Proforma Invoice - Ability to apply part payments before converting to invoices
Ability to create a separate proforma invoice function which allows you to make part payments against the proforma invoice, before being able to convert it to a sales invoice.
Purpose: Users can easily manage part payments before sending their sales invoices to their contacts.

Maria Duran commented
We are evaluating other options because it is critical for our company.
Steve James commented
Been using Xero for years and never been asked for a proforma until today and there isn't a facility for one, which surprised me (and others, it would seem!)
Nicola Smith commented
We use Draft invoices as proformas, and need to have online payment links enabled. Why is it not possible to have this functionality?
Mark Hart commented
A card payment link for pro forma invoices should be standard practice, this is where Xero is lacking the understanding business requirements, just another IT company!
Samantha Leggatt commented
We use the Draft Invoices as our Orders that are a Work In Progress. We do require payment upfront before a lot of jobs commences, so applying payments to Draft Invoices would solve our problem of writing notes of payment on the Draft Invoice and then having to apply the payment once approved to an Invoice at a later date.
Kirsty Scales commented
We take deposits prior to accepting work and many clients need paperwork to facilitate the process. Having to issue 2 separate invoices for every job effectively doubles the work and should be completely unnecessary. If we can get away without an invoice for the deposit, we use a Stripe link but this attracts larger fees than if a customer was paying a Xero invoice - so it is pretty much lose/lose for us. This is basic accounting Xero. Way more important than a cash flow graph on the dashboard. Please could you get in to the accounting functions rather than the pretty distractions.
Mauraid Clayton commented
It would help if you could add a payment link on Draft Invoices, customers could pay before the order is manufactured or picked then you approve it and allocate the payment. We send out a lot of invoices that need to be paid before delivery, if we have to send out approved ones and they do not pay we have to remember to go in and delete the invoice. If they were in drafts you could look at draft invoices and know exactly who has not paid.
Maxine Brown commented
A Proforma function would be great
Geoffrey Rae commented
Really, all the people asking and still no pro forma yet. You seem to keep updating and changing things yet this request from many people for many years has still not addressed.
Aleshia Rex commented
Agreed, Pro Forma should be an option. I feel it should be under the save option - "Save as Pro Forma"
Its not good enough to come up with a "work around" to use a standard business function - if a business already uses Quotes as part of their invoicing process you can't even use the below work around and have to use the Draft invoice status to make a pro forma.
Seems like such a small middle step between quote and invoice. -
Joshua Huggett commented
I've just switched to Xero from Quickbooks at my accountants insistance, only to discover there's no option to allow multi-stage invoices for clients to pay deposites for materials.
How is this an unaddressed issue for the last 3 years, going by the locked comment section directing me to this page? -
Regina Cromer-Halls commented
What I have done is create an item called DEPOSIT in which I have made the unit value - %. Then in the quantity box I put the value of the sells pre-tax and then make the item Tacable.
I think Xero should have a way for you to include a Balance Due column which subtract the total from the deposit at the bottom after the deposit amount.
Don't think this would be hard to program, but boy would it make life a bit easier for a small business
Katarzyna Holden commented
Could Xero add to " Pro - Forma" to settings?
I would like to send oro-forma to my customers and "Quote" is not what I'm looking for. My customers are already agreed with my term and conditions so I need only send pro-forma to receive payment before the work start. -
Darren Barson commented
I think there is a workaround using the Quote functionality in Xero that we use at
1. Create a PROFORMA invoice branding theme
2. rename the QUOTE template as 'PRO FORMA INVOICE'
3. Create a quote as you would ordinarily and select the 'PRO FORMA INVOICE' theme
4. Send the Pro-Forma invoice via Xero using the quote functionality (you can change the reference to 'PFI 0000' if you want here
5. When the customer pays, issue an invoice from the quote as you would normally including the tax and other information
6. The receipt can then be reconciled against the tax invoice and dated the date of the receipt
7. email the invoice to the customer for their records
Darren Barson commented
I think there is a workaround using the Quote functionality in Xero that we use at
1. Create a PROFORMA invoice branding theme
2. rename the QUOTE template as 'PRO FORMA INVOICE'
3. Create a quote as you would ordinarily and select the 'PRO FORMA INVOICE' theme
4. Send the Pro-Forma invoice via Xero using the quote functionality (you can change the reference to 'PFI 0000' if you want here
5. When the customer pays, issue an invoice from the quote as you would normally including the tax and other information
6. The receipt can then be reconciled against the tax invoice and dated the date of the receipt
7. email the invoice to the customer for their records
Louis Boyle commented
Really Important we have this
Anthony Guest commented
pro Formas are a standard part of running a company - I can't believe this is not a default option
Ghalib Khan commented
Good afternoon
We are a liquid manufacturer and require the use of proformas to send to the client to pay before the goods are shipped then for this to be invoiced once the goods are shipped
I have checked some articles but the way to do this is to create a template to which we name is pro forma, and code this to a separate code in the balance sheet (name it Pro forma deposits or something similar). Once we have confirmation the goods have been shipped, we have to manually put on a credit to go against the same account code in the balance sheet for us then to re invoice the client.
I contacted Xero support who have advised there is nothing in the system at the moment to adhere to this or to make the process simpler. Was wondering if this can have some sort of adaptation to the current system to help with pro forma invoicing. Ideally for both Purchase ledger and sales ledger. Current situation i am referring to is to do with Sales ledger
Happy to discuss further if you wish to contact me
Andrew Monk commented
It is a real problem that Xero does not have Proforma invoicing. Post Brexit our EU customers often need a ProForma invoice with customs details before they can set us up as a supplier. I can create a quote and change the title to ProForma, but that then doesn't include payment details, which is a barrier to sales. I can create an Invoice and change the title to ProForma Invoice, but that messes up the P&L if the customer does not order. I know lots of people have requested this in the past, but I can't find that thread. Please help, this is a real problem.
Jean Marc Zanni commented
They are other ideas around the same variation. We require downpayment on a purchase order. It is a % of the total order. We have no easy means beside cheating the qty or unit price then reconcilation is a bear.
You have a mean to record a down payment on a project. But how do you invoice it? Many of our customer require a paper trail before sending money.