Inventory - Record Quantity on Hand for untracked items
we work in wine retail & record our product &service on xero (we have moved from sage 50 2 years now)
we cannot use track inventory option as this doest work with our current setup
please can we simply have like a small box under each inventory saying quantity on hand for e.g 2 or if its negative like - 2 ( as this is really trouble some for me to all the time go to report & manually set my filters all the time with dates,& other details.
) please like on sage50 we had always a number showing negative,positive or 0 (if buying equalls selling) kindly please add this simple feature - Thanks

Nigel Soakell commented
We are in a similar situation and cannot use tracked inventory as we pre-sell inventory and Xero does not allow negative inventory. So would be good to have a non-tracked inventory report that provides the balance of our non-tracked inventory. Or change Xero to allow it to go negative.