Cash coding - Ability to add invoices to cash coding
When you are in cash coding it would be useful to be able to add an invoice to the line before it is reconciled.
If clients do not use the bills function then attaching an invoice to a transaction is time consuming and fiddly.

Hi Simon, checking in on your idea here. Would this be to be able to view invoices that have been entered (like Find & Match) or to create invoices from cash coding?
Chantelle Matthee commented
I agree this would be awesome. In the cash coding screen there is a drop down arrow with options for each transactions. (Currently the options are "create a bank rule", "Split" and "Delete"). Would be very useful to have an option "attach invoice/file" as one of the options. Or even better drag and drop the attachment to the line item like Simon is suggesting. See attached
Simon Lever commented
When in the cash coding screen it would be awsome to be able to add a document or invoice by dragging a file to the line on the cash coding screen.
Simon Lever commented
For payments where an invoice has been received from a supplier - for example a one off purchase of a printer where thre invoice is sent by e-mail - then the ability to attach the invocie to the relevant payment in cash coding is what I am suggesting