Hubdoc - Full integration with Xero files
I can email my receipts to Xero, when will Xero be integrating the same sort, file, and account application features that Hubdoc has so that I don't have to use Hubdoc at all?

Hi Amanda and Sandy, I want to let you know that you can upload your document or invoice directly into Xero Files without using Hubdoc, and you can assign it from there - See more on our article.
If you’re looking into publishing the document from Hubdoc to Xero files, you can do it too. And you can read more here.
In saying that, let us know if you’re actually after something else.
Kelly Mansell commented
Hi Xero - following up on this one, as it's been 2 years.
When will it be possible for Xero to auto populate the data (exactly as Amanda mentioned below) so we can upload files directly into Xero, without using Hubdoc?
Amanda Moore commented
I'd love to see the functionality that HubDoc provides - the auto renaming of documents, populating information - which Xero Files does not do (Xero Bills kind of does.. not as well though either). It stinks that you have to go to another site (HubDoc) to accomplish this task, or you opt to take longer to do the tasks with Xero Files instead.
Amanda Moore commented
I agree I would love to see HubDoc's functionality rolled directly to be inside of Xero in the files section without having to switch over to HubDoc. (Xero does own HubDoc so I would suspect at some point either Xero files goes away or HubDoc does to consolidate into Xero).
AdminDana A (Admin, Xero) commented
Hey Sandy, it sounds that you're trying to email your document directly to Xero Files. Which you're able to do this, because Xero Files has its own unique email address, and you can email your document to that email address - see our article here for more information(
But if you're after something else, do let us know.