Bank rules - Choose which rule to apply
I have a number of Telstra accounts that all come due within a day of each other. Xero can't tell the difference between the rules. I was thinking that when doing reconciliations, where it has the drop down tab "Options" if you could add "Choose a Bank Rule" it would save me having to ignore the wrong rule chosen by Xero and and manually have to fill in the data for the relevant Telstra Account when it comes in.

Peter Carikas commented
You have no idea how much time this would save me.
Craig Humphreys commented
What's the progress on this? it's been over 2 years since raised.
Craig Humphreys commented
Seems like a no-brainer... all those rules and sometime you can't use them easily... because there is something slightly different on this transaction... all that time invested in setting up the rules and cannot be selected seems crazy - come on Xero - Help us to use technology, not our time, brains and patience
Paul Cato commented
Over 2 year later this still doesn't seem to be implemented. Just so frustrating having to completely type out codes and splits because there's a slight difference in the way a supplier branch sets up their transation details. There should be a way to simply invoke a pre-written Rule with the codes and splits already there, in one click.
Vicki Head commented
Yes, it would be very helpful to be able to choose the bank rules if the first option doesn't suit. Hopefully Xero can make this change. Thanks!
Michael Moore commented
I'm a new user. How has Xero managed to run this long without being able to manually assign a bank rule. add it PLEASE!!!!
Aleshia Rex commented
Having the option to apply a bank rule to any transaction as a one off even when it doesn't automatically meet the requirements for the rule.
It would mean that the random one off payments don't need adding to the rule but you can just apply the coding to it.
E.G having a "software" rule in place for ongoing subscriptions but then the client buys something as a one off - Simply apply "Software" rule to this transaction.
Or a transaction that already has a rule comes through with slightly different details meaning it wont automatically apply the rule - Go to a drop down menu and apply said rule to the transaction.