Subscription - Have an itemised subscription invoice by Xero Organisation
Have an itemised subscription invoice by Xero Organisation, so that it is easy for us to on charge the costs to our clients.

Hi everyone, while not completely solved, we've made a recent addition to the client export which now allows you to export the Subscriber Email. This should help provide a better view and filter your clients subscriptions through the export file.
Tamsin Nolan commented
I just want to get a report of what subscriptions we are paying for at a minutes notice (not just the CSV on an invoice).
Under the Subscriptions tab, the only thing available is a list of files we have access to.
- I can’t filter by subscriber
- I can’t sort by anything
- I can’t export or print
- And I can’t see the whole list without clicking ‘Show More” 20+ timesAdditionally if I go to The billing account, it only shows a statement of the gross amount.and no list of entities being billed
An invoice only shows what was billed for a month, not anything that is linked to us as a subscriber whether active or cancelled. Its also not easy to access as I have to
- go into the statement,
- go into a particular monthly invoice and then
- export a CSV.I can’t see any history or how long a client has been being billed for which is really hard if we are trying to on-bill the subscription.
I feel this is really deliberate so that its hard to see what you are paying for at any one time. Which isn’t really fair.
Jamie Brown commented
Automatic posting of Itemised Xero Subscription Invoice.
It would be useful if when Xero issue the monthly subscription invoice, this was posted into the clients cero file with pdf attachment so that the customer doesn’t have to post the transaction.