Projects - Sort Tasks and Expenses Alphabetically
Please allow for a sort filter on tasks and expenses within a project to be able to sort alphabetically A-Z.

Hi team, while we began work on developing the ability search and sort by tasks in Projects the teams focus had to shift to other priority work and we want to be open that this has been put down for now.
When there is the ability to pick this back up we'll return to share with you here.
Paul Slater commented
The ability to reorder expenses and estimated expenses in a project would be incredibly helpful.
This shouldn't be limited to just sorting alphabetically, but also a custom sort. Click and drag expenses to a new position, similar to invoice or quote lines.
Sometimes when building a project, we might miss an item when working on a section. At the moment, the only option is to start over, or have the new item added to the bottom of the list. Then the new item isn't in the same section as other similar items. -
Beverly Hosten commented
Hey! Any update on this?
Renae Pocklington commented
Hi there, Is there a timeframe on this at all, as we are considering moving to another platform if it's not sorted soon. It's so time consuming to have to manually sort through the time and expenses in our invoicing process in Projects. Appreciate a response on this. Many thanks, Renae
Freya Pieroz commented
Reordering the expenses would be amazing - I'm copying the previous year's Project for a multi-year Project, so that I can delete estimated expenses that are no longer useful, and update the estimated costs for the new year, and when I add new estimated costs, they are down the bottom and in no kind of grouping or order. In order to change the order, I have to delete all the estimated expenses between the one I want to move and where I want it to end up!
Kate Grigg commented
I also wish the ability to change the charge out rates on tasks to cater for price rises etc. Otherwise on export to invoices, manual adjustment is required.
Nicola Robson commented
It would also be helpful to be able to manually re-order tasks, expenses and estimated expenses