AU Payroll - Option to split base rate and casual loading items
Please give us the option to split the base rate and casual loading items WHILE working with a timesheet. At the moment this has be manually done in every pay run if we want to show the loading separately.

Debra Hall commented
Its very important that 2 lines are shown. 1. base. 2. casual They cannot be listed as loading built in.
this leaves the employer open to paying on top.Whether in timesheet or payrun, it needs to be taken care of by Xero, not an operator. So many times its not paid as its a manual entry.
Tanya Holtham commented
Given it is a Fairwork requirement to show casual loading on a casual employee's payslip, I would hope that Xero could build this into their templates that when you select casual as the employment type, it automatically picks up the casual loading either as a separate line item or builds in a one line item saying casual hourly rate with the loading built it, that would then hopefully make the overtime calculation easier too!
Debra Hall commented
Anything in payroll that requires a manual entry allows for human error. I consider this to be a VITAL part of any payroll system. If the setting is in the employees Payroll template I can't see why it doesn't feed into the payroll.
Barbara Johnston commented
Totally necessary ASAP. A pay item called "Casual Loading" with a calculation of 25% of the sum of Ordinary Hours rate and applicable Allowances.
That said - perhaps there ought to be a way to "group together" Allowances and Ordinary hours that make up an employees "base rate of pay". That way, any Casual Loading or OT etc could be easily applied.
Ordinary Hours $30/hr
Industry Allowance $1/hr
Tools Allowance $2/hr
Group together to equal $33
$33 becomes the Base Rate of Pay when applying Casual Loading, OT, RDO, Sick Leave, TOIL, Annual Leave and any other payments I've missed that use a Base Rate of pay.
Hope that makes sense. -
leo liu commented
Yes, vote up.
I fully agree with all the above comments.
I am also seeking better ways. Currently we have separate normal and casual lines, casual line set up as 25% of base rate. I have to manually type in the qty and if they work on different site which has higher base rate than default I have to type over the rate.
Also for our casuals, being in construction industry, they get rostered day offs. I have to remember to manually add to the casual loading lines extra qty when they are on RDO otherwise we are short paying them. Before STP2 we kindly of used the leave loading option and have 2 RDOs (one for full time and one for casual) and the one for casual we entered the 25% as a leave loading. Now that loading is only available for "annual leave" type, we can no longer do that.
Surely Xero can and should look into improving functionality and make it more suer friendly rather than just ATO compliant.
Lisa Height commented
This needs to be setup in Xero so that for a casual employee you can set their base rate and the casual loading as two separate items for STP reporting, but then combine them to calculate overtime, so that the correct rate is paid and super obligations are correctly reported.
I have been advised by Xero that this facility is not available, so I am going to have to manually calculate rates/loadings for my employee each pay run. Thankfully I only have 1 casual at this point but surely there are others who have multiple casuals for whom this would be a major headache.
Has anyone else come up with a work around?
Christine Nehme commented
There is room for error when needing to manually input the casual loading hours either through the timesheet or when doing it through payroll.
Carlin Mallering commented
Casual Leave loading as a separate item means you have to manually add the amount of hours. Can this be automatically populated from the number of Ordinary hours entered so manual intervention is not required? Also, currently any overtime calculations are based on Ordinary Hours $ value. Splitting the Ordinary hours $ value and the Casual Loading means that the overtime calculated on Ordinary hours means manual intervention is required to ensure the correct rate is paid. Can an an option for the combined Ordinary Hours rate and the Casual Loading be part of the calculation method pulldown so overtime does not need to be manually calculated as well. The system currently works for businesses that only pay the base award rate but if the business pays in excess of the award, there is no way around this.
Joy Mills commented
I definitely agree! Why have the option in the pay template of including the base hourly rate and the casual loading as separate line items, when the use of the timesheet app by staff overrides this information, and you still have to manually enter the loading on every pay run. it is setting payroll staff up to make errors