Xero Analytics Plus | STCF - Options to export
Even though the above feature in XERO has great potential for add on value services to clients, example, 90 days cash flow projections, I am very surprised that no one asked, why cant we produce a report in PDF or Excel??? Isn't this an essential part of a report?

Lucy Popham commented
Have just upgraded our subscription specifically to access the Analytics Plus as our cashflow forecasting is a massive time drain. The forecasting looks really good, but the lack of export means we are stuck with re-creating it all in excel anyway for manipulation and onward reporting. Very frustrating.
PLEASE could the option to export be added? -
Amanda Peacock commented
I agree that this should be available for export. Until that is available we need to continue with excel or another solution in order to present to the client.
Alison Habebi commented
Totally agree, it's such a simple function to add and without it, the cashflow has limited use.
Lucy Cooper commented
It would definitely be beneficial to be able to print/export.
Sadie Mitchell commented
Loving the fact we can look at the the Business Snap Shot and the new Cashflow Projection which can be made accurate by adding expected payment dates, predicted sales/purchases BUT, not a lot of good if you can't generate a report from it. Day to day it's great to look at but the directors are not looking at the screen and finding this information for themselves! We all know this.
Marie McQuinn commented
This is essential and should be available as an option
John Meagher commented
The report is excellent, but without being able to export it loses its value.
Amy Bell commented
Short Term Cashflow improvements
1.It would be great if you could set up recurring sales invoices and that these would factor into the cashflow forecast.
2.It would be useful to have a report for the short term cashflow. This would also be useful if that report could be dropped into Excel. Banks often ask for longer than 3 months cashflow and it would be great if you could drop the one in xero into excel to extend.
Ayla Wilson commented
Critical part of the report
Vicki Ferguson commented
Would be a lot more helpful if the report could be exported. Taking screen shots is not practical.
Adriana Donlen commented
It looks like people have been asking for the cash flow projection to be able to be exported to a pdf or excel, however Xero aren't listening? Is this something that will be available in the near future? The report is helpful, but without being able to export, seems silly. Not very professional to have to cut and past it in to a document to send to management.
Amal Bousamra commented
I need to download Cash Flow Forecast to csv format. can you please help me do that.
Amal Bousamra commented
I'm trying to download cash flow forecast to csv format. can you please help me do that.
Robert Townsend commented
Everybody loves a graph rather than figures, so exporting/printing the cashflow graph would really help management information and give greater prominence to Xero as a useful finance system.
Bethany Haughey commented
I want to be able to export the money in and money out data in the short term cashflow into Excel, maybe one tab for money in and another for money out. This will make it fair easier for me to be able to see any potential duplicates, for example where I have manually added an item ahead of a bill being received from the supplier.
Bernard Watts commented
Ability to print short term cashflow. In the same way you can the business snapshot
Jenny Kanno commented
It would be very useful to be able to print this report, or export it to a spreadsheet, as management doesn't necessarily log into Xero to look at the cashflow, and instead relies on accounting to provide these reports
Rochelle van Greunen commented
It is very difficult to run controls in the current format i.e. I need to group wages, COS etc. to determine whether we need to add adjustments
Janine Lee commented
It would be helpful to have the option of extracting the short-term cash flow projections into a pdf or excel spreadsheet.
Colin Sparshott commented
Analytics Plus has brilliant functionality, but we need to be able to produce reports for management and not rely on 'screen-shots' which look very unprofessional.