Reporting - Add Graphs and Pie Charts in Management Accounts for KPI
Add Graphs and Pie Charts of KPI's to the Management Accounts report as some client prefer picture diagrams.

Appreciate your feedback around how more visuals in reporting would aid when presenting business information to stakeholders.
Though not direct within the Management report - Xero Analytics provides visual tools to assess and get insight into your business with Short term cash flows and Business Snapshot.
Alongside this, our reporting team have also started release of a graph in the 'Expenses by Contact report' - It's available if you're running a US organisation atm, and will be with other regions soon
Alison Hogg commented
Would love to somehow pull the Business Snapshot or Business Performance reports into a management report - numbers only go so far and it would save us having to get an app!
Karen Evans commented
I have just been asking for this having a graph as a visual tool in the management accounts would be a brilliant addition and extremely we utilised
Glen Robinson commented
We do alot of this for Clients in PowerBI and having this ability in Xero would be a time saver and reduce data accuracy issues when using multiple systems. Others are right, clients are visual, their eyes glaze over when you show them a page of numbers, visual diagrams also help show how big a difference is i.e last year vs this year when 1 bar is twice the size of the other.
Stephen Foster commented
Great idea. Clients respond very well to visual presentation. This would be very useful.
Diluni Fernando commented
This is a great idea because most of the client prefer visual presentation. It will give more visibility to the reports.
Zara Rodwell commented
Great idea on having a visual display of how figures are shown. This really does help many clients.
Helen Morphew commented
I have numerous clients who would benefit from having visual charts alongside standard reports. It adds value to the reporting tools and makes understanding of margins, profits, cashflow etc a lot easier for the client. Not all clients are figure savvy which is why they use accountants so anything we can do to make it easier for them to understand the progress of their business helps them plan for the future.