Bank reconciliation - Send automatic receipts
Send automatic receipts when reconciling payments received.

Andrew Dezelak commented
Has this been actioned? I have just been forced to use Xero for my invoicing by my new CRM and I can't find a way to quickly send a receipt to my client while reconciling their payment in the Bank Rec. This is a no brainer, Xero is able to match the payment to an existing invoice but doesn't allow you to send a receipt in the same action. Please fix this quickly.
Craig Cawood commented
Yes please this would be great!
Brooke Williams commented
Having a check box when confirming each of the 'reconciliations' to automatically send a receipt for payment. This would be such a time saver, given that after reconciling 50+ bank payments daily you then need to enter each separate reconciled payment to send a receipt. Please bring this in!
Rachael Watson commented
This is a feature I would love to see developed
Carla Sacharowitz commented
This is so critical in order to keep on top of sending receipts to clients who have paid!! Please can this feature be added- it would be so helpful!
Prajay Shah commented
I am in uk and we are in need of this feature wherein we want the ability to send a receipt at bank reconciliation stage when the transaction is created. We would use these for charity donations received at the bank
Stuart Gow commented
This would be super. Right now you need to do a load of clicks to do this...
1. Okay the reconcile
2. Go to acct tranactions
3. Open tranaction
4. Drop down
5. Email reciept
Shaun Killian commented
Has this been implemented yet?
Riley Barker commented
very very very important
Daniel Beulke commented
An option to issue a receipt to a customer during the reconciling process. When matching bank statement and xero information, the receipt could be sent to the details on the original xero produced invoice that you are reconciling. Would certainly work for individual payments (full or part payment). Might require an extra step if reconciling multiple invoices to one payment.
I've been receiving membership fees for a community group, and would like to send receipts as payment is made and reconciled. At the moment I have to go into each invoice and send receipt manually.
Just a thought. :)
Glenn Neuber commented
Another missing feature to start looking for alternative solutions. Working with XERO feels more and more it is not actively developed anymore, just in maintenance mode and steadily increasing subscription prices...
Carol Liao commented
Margo Leggott commented
Unless there is a way to customise the invoice & link it to a receipt template then this wouldn't actually work. We have multiple templates for receipts. Before switching to Xero from MYOB, I used to be able to select certain transactions from a list of payments and apply a specific template and send them all at once. This was years ago, and I am assuming this is still the case as you wouldn't want to go "backwards" and could never understand why this couldn't be adopted by Xero. It is just so time consuming & frustrating when I have seen rockets in the sky & men on the moon!!! (LOL)
Mark Blair commented
It's a no brainer. Allocate a developer and tester and roll out...
Margo Leggott commented
It would be great if we could send multiple receipts to customers in the same way that you send multiple invoices (all at once). Currently, after reconciling a payment, you need to go to Account transactions, then click on the transaction and click "send receipt". Which is absolutely fine if you are only sending a few receipts! When you are getting upwards of 40 or 50 to send a receipt to at the one time, it is VERY VERY TIME CONSUMING! Over it.
David Baker commented
Ability to send a receipt when reconciling to an invoice. Right now you have to reconcile, then go into the invoice, then the payment, then send the receipt. This is an arduous process and is a legal requirement for any payment over $75 in Australia.
I don't have to send receipts for payments through Stripe, as that already sends a receipt, but it doesn't link to the invoice number, just the payment. If I had the option to easily do it, then I would.
A dashboard option to send receipts would be a good option as well. Reducing the number of clicks is helpful. -
Renzana Van Zyl commented
It would be good if you have loaded a payment , there is the option to send the receipt at the same time , or have the option to be able to automate the sending of receipts
Cass Moore commented
I would love a "SEND RECEIPT" TICK BOX in the RECONCILIATION BOX on the reconcile page... ie:
Match - Create - Transfer - Discuss - "SEND RECEIPT" TICK BOX
Will save hours!
Krystal Smith commented
This would be a great feature
Jennifer Dillon commented
It would be extremely helpful if we could set up automatic receipts when customers pay their invoices. Doing them manually is time-consuming and they do not get sent in a timely manner.