Purchase Orders - Ability to Void/Archive purchase orders
At the moment, you can only delete or mark as billed purchase order numbers. However, you cannot see the purchase orders after deleting them. It would be useful to have an archived section in purchase orders.
We have found that we need to go back an see old purchase orders that did not get billed, whether it is to compare it to the purchase we actually made to see why we didn't go through with the original purchase order.

Erica Johannsen commented
Agree that archiving old PO's would be a handy option.
Simone Cardoso commented
Archiving PO's would be great, in my instance we have been testing PO integration with a 3rd party and now we have a bunch of PO's that appear in the ALL tab and I do not want to see them anymore. I have deleted them but they are still hanging there.
Also, a partially billed option for the PO's would also come in handy. :)
Freya Pieroz commented
I've got a client whose old purchase orders I'm going through and cleaning up. I very much doubt that the purchase order from 2019 will ever get fulfilled, but it's not been delivered nor billed nor paid for, so marking it as billed is a lie, and I don't want to delete it because that erases it from existence in the history and of this supplier and the audit trail of my client. I doubt my client wants to forget that this particular supplier can be flaky!
Being able to mark an old purchase order as 'expired' or archive it would keep the history and audit trail.
Rachel Robcke commented
I agree with this request. I would really like to be able to change the status of a purchase order, rather than delete it or flag it as billed (when it hasn't been billed). This is because sometimes purchase orders aren't claimed on an invoice (maybe due to a double up, or a job that has been put on hold), and rather than deleting the purchase order I would like to still have them in the system in case we ultimately need to retrieve them. I would then like to be able to run my reports, excluding (or including) purchase orders with this new status as applicable. Maybe options such as 'On Hold' and 'Duplicate' would be good.
Ee Leen Tan commented
I would like to see all POs raised in a particular financial year to be archived, so that users will not have to scroll through the long list of POs at any one time.
Racheal Bell commented
We need to keep our POs that are not accepted. The only current option is to delete and we need to keep track of all POs. It would be ideal to have an acceptance options for the PO the same as we have the option to approve a quote.
Christie van der Beeke commented
Purchase order - Ability to cancel without deleting
You need to be able to cancel a PO without having to delete it, and then you can use the 'notes' to say why it was cancelled. When you search Xero help, it says you can do this, but it's not a function of the AU version. Given the functionality has been created, it shouldn't be hard to implement it for Australia.
Christie van der Beeke commented
I completely don't understand why a PO can't be cancelled, this is a basic accounting function. Deleting it completely removes it from the system, and then obscures the numbering, and you can't necessarily remember why it was cancelled. This could be for a number of reasons, including changed amounts, cancellation of a job, etc. There's even instructions on how to do it, so clearly it was thought useful at some point, but these instructions ar enow obsolete: https://central.xero.com/s/article/Issue-send-or-cancel-purchase-orders#Cancelordeleteapurchaseorder
Carolyn Bentley commented
Archiving PO numbers would be so useful as not all Suppliers put the PO number on the invoice so I'd be able to match up later if i had missed it.
Jenny Carroll commented
Hello Izabel,
Its a shame there is not another way, as I don't want to delete them as I might want to see them in the future. so I will have to mark them as billed, even thou this is not the case. Its a shame they can't automatically match up to suppliers invoices & cleared somehow in Hubdock, when processing the invoices for approval or when they are matched in approval Max's, or as you say "Archived".
Kind regards