Bank Rule - Ability to default to 'All conditions match'
Since the change to the updated Bank Rules page, it now defaults to 'Any Conditions Match'.
I have to change this to 'All Conditions Match' literally every. single. time. I create a bank rule, otherwise it defaults to matching almost all transactions.
This is a disaster waiting to happen.

Thanks for sharing back on the change, Alan. It's difficult to make changes to suit everyone's needs, and changing the default from 'All' to 'Any' was carefully considered as part of the recent updates to Bank Rules.
This was something users told us would be helpful as many more users create 'loose' rules to capture more statement lines.
Currently there aren't any plans to change this back. What would be more useful would be the ability to set your own default, but for now we'll begin to track the interest of this here.
Martin Crocker commented
This is a critical design flaw. I cannot believe that any competent user would want a bank rule to default to 'Any conditions match', that is just ridiculous and has already caused errors in a number of organisations. This must be changed back to default to "All conditions match" as soon as possible.
Joanne Crumpton commented
Purpose: reduce errors in setting up bank rules
Current "Äpply bank Rule" defaults to "Äny Conditions Match" button where it should default to All Conditions Match. For example, if creating from a bankfeed line, the Analysis code is often equal to "Miscellaneous Debit". Business users do not notice this and do not change the radio button. So then all transactions go to wherever the rules says - and not just the ones with the appropriate payee.
Alan Cooper commented
Really needs fixing. For example will give a user the impression that every line with a 'direct debit' in the reference is covered by the same rule, if that business has just one rule set up with 'direct debit' in the reference. Pretty basic stuff.
Nicola Mackay commented
Don't understand why the original default of "if all conditions match" has been changed to "if any conditions match". Causing a lot of unnecessary work!
Zak Labanca commented
Disaster is no longer waiting to happen. Major design flow. Please fix ASAP.