Report Templates | Copy - Client to practice, or client to client
There are a number of Report Templates available in the Client Reports which once adapted would be good to copy either from one client to another or better still from a Client to the Practice Reports, making them available for all clients and they could then be included in Monthly Management Reports.
Currently you can only copy reports within a client or within the Practice Reports and the facility is not available to copy across from one to another
Melanie Lala commented
Capability to copy Management Report Packs from one client to another. This would save HOURS and, in my opinion, should have been implemented with the NEW reports (and Management Reports) were first LIVE. PLEASE consider this a Priority as we are about to enter Tax Season and we need to focus on our clients needs, not report formatting. THANK YOU!
Ralph-Peter Hendriks commented
Excellent idea.
Daniel Harcombe commented